Thursday, December 06, 2007

Pretty Embarrassing
For my business promotions and spreading the word I use a great service called Constant Contact. This really works well because it keeps all of my customers informed on the latest happenings with Mommy's Little Monkey.
So I sent one out last night to my contact list at around 12 am. Being that I've stayed up every night until 12-1 am I was pretty beat. No excuses, I sent out a email with a misused word! That is very embarrassing! It wasn't a small word or hidden mistake either, it had to be right at the entry of the email and one of the main point words :-( of course spell check didn't catch it because it's a word, it's just not the word I wanted to use!
Here it is:
Need to but that special gift for that special mommy or baby in your life? You're invited to A Mommy Soiree!
To celebrate this holiday season, Mommy's Little Monkey is offering you 20% off of your next purchase. Present this coupon at the event or
order online to receive this special offer.
*Discount will be refunded after on line purchase.

Event: A Mommy Soiree
DATE: Sunday, December 9Th
TIME: 3-6 PM
Location: 2802 Juan Street In Old Town, CA. 92110 (right in front of the boutique)
Really bad and embarrassing. If you received one please excuse my mistake.

I think it's time for a new and higher resolution camera.....don't you?
I have spent so much of my day trying to get my camera to take a good picture of my products. It's not working.
Santa will you please bring me a great new one?

Sunday, December 02, 2007

To my Wonderful Nurse......

When I was pregnant with my first little monkey I made sure I went over my birth plan with my doctor. Because he was not guaranteed to be there for the delivery he told me not to worry and to have it ready to fork over to my delivery team once I arrived at the hospital.

My husband and I had it all planned out. I was not to have any medication, I was also only going to breastfeed and we had chosen to save and donate her cord blood along with some other little details in our plan. So once in labor and in a ton of pain we set off to the hospital. In between contractions and concentration I made sure to remember my paper with my golden birth plan on it and tried to hand it to my nurse. The attitude I received from my nurse was more like the paper was written in a different language and was immediately disregarded. However this made me feel, a bit insecure, irritated and ignored, I continued laboring to get what felt like a 30 pound watermelon out of my pained body. As expected from people who had no idea of what my wishes were there was pressure to medicate, anger directed to my poor husband by the staff who was first of all only trying to carry out my original wishes, and of course a bottle feeding of formula.
I was an emotional and not to mention a hormonal wreck while recovering. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream, I wanted to just be heard and not treated as the inexperienced mother I was. Although I knew why I was so emotional, I still struggled against my emotions because I felt the staff had so much more knowledge then I could have had in the few hours I had become a mother. Clearly my nurse acted as if she knew what was best for me. She suggested we get rest and have our new crying baby taken to the nursery. So, after a 24 hour labor and a new baby that would not stop crying who would resist her invitation? I guess I should have. I didn't though and 8 hours later I woke up without my baby realizing we had been separated for a very long time and insisted on having her back with me. My nurse brought her to me bundled and comfortably asleep filled up on a bottle of formula. That 's when I knew my time was up at this birth plan disregarding hospital and I wanted out!

This experience and recent conversations with other women and their similar stories has inspired me to make a little difference. Giving mommies a little reassurance is what I hope to achieve. Introducing my new little "Note to Nurse" shirt/beanie set by Mommy's Little Monkey. The note reads:

To my Wonderful Nurse,

I am learning how to breastfeed.

Please no bottle or pacifiers while I'm in your care.

Mommy is waiting for my return to feed me.



Beanie reads:

Breastfeeder in Training

Each set in carried in a stylish drawstring organza bag and come in size newborn. This is the perfect baby shower gift. Check them out and pass on the news about this great new product!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Wearing my Monkeys

When I started this business I really did not know how many groups or parenting styles women/parents place themselves in. I know, I know I talk about this a lot but just keep reading, I'm getting to my little intro..

I mean I labored naturally with all 3 children (with the exception of my first 24 hour labor- I had 2 shots of Demerol) but I never placed myself in a "natural birthing" mom club. Did I feel proud? Of course I did but it wasn't a lifestyle that I revolved around. I co-slept and still do from time to time but did I consider myself an attached parent? No, not until I learned what an attached parent was, I just did what my parents allowed me to do as a child. I wore my babies in carriers or Baby Bjorn's but I did not consider myself a baby wearer? No, really all that I was doing was taking very little steps at making motherhood as easy as I possibly could. With 3 children, sleep deprivation and a things to do list the length of Santa's list I just wanted rest so I slept with my kids and just wanted peace so I wore my kids so I didn't hear them crying. Plus it killed me to see them so uncomfortable so if I could help out in this very temporary stage of life by wearing them then I would and I did.

So do you know all of the different styles out there to wear your baby? There's the sling, and the pouch and the carrier and the back pack and I'm sure more than that but that's all I know at this moment. I personally wore a carrier BUT if there happened to be a next time I will try them all. A new company out there (which I consider a sister or cousin company since the designer of our sites is the same company) is

I'm very excited to meet the owner, Catherine, very soon at an event we'll both be attending. If you happen to be in San Diego come and check us out at the Mommy Soiree on December 9Th from 3-6pm in Old Town at the Ducks n Daisies boutique courtyard. A evening of shopping, prizes, food and beverages is what to be expected. Check out the advertisement on Page 50 of Family Magazine for December to find out more.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Project Runway is BACK!!!!!
It's finally back....yeah!!!! I love project Runway so much, it just gets my creativity flowing and my heart dreaming away. If any of you (the 2-4 readers I have :-) kisses to you) love it as much as I do I thought I would pass along a little reminder, tonight on BRAVO at 10/9c. Tivo or DVR it if you have to.
Love ya,

Friday, November 09, 2007

And the Winner is.......

If you've had a chance to check out my myspace page then you've noticed that I have a guestbook. I really like this feature so much and wanted to do a giveaway that I combined these two ideas and motivated my myspace friends to sign my guestbook for an entry into a drawing I held today. The prize? Well one free item from my website of course.

I drew a name from the 14 entry's and Angie from Tennessee won! If you're interested in next months drawing being held December 1st then just log onto my myspace page and sign my guest book. You'll be entered into the next giveaway.

Pass on the word too.

Good Luck


Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Halloween with my Monkeys
Halloween was wonderful and exciting!!! It's an actual exciting holiday here in my house. I make a nice dinner and this year I made a Halloween cake plus caramel apples. I made the monkey princesses their costumes by hand and of course being that little monkey man is absolutely obsessed with Cars the movie he was a very adorable Lightning McQueen (last year he was Tow Mater). Loved the day and had a wonderful evening with my brother, sister-in-law, nephews, grandma,grandpa, Nana and papa, cousins and their children.
To the 3 of You
To the 3 of you who read this blog Thank you! All joking aside, I'm back to write in and update you on this Mommy's busy life. So Far all has been good. If you've been alert lately you probably know all about the terrible fires southern California had two weeks ago. It rained ashes for days and our homes smelt of smoke. We couldn't open the windows and of course the temperature outside rose into the 90's. Here we've been hearing the terrible stories of loved ones, friends and family experienced during it all. It's tragic, very sad and honestly something we here in San Diego will dread every October to come now that it's happened twice.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

In The Toilet
What is it with kids and toilets? Every one of my little monkeys has gone through a stage where they just have to clog it with something. The girls just toilet paper but my boy, let me just tell you what happened. Little Monkey Man loves toilets. He loves to throw anything he can into them, he loves to pee all over them (and on the floor) and he loves to clean them when I'm not around with wipes. Yes, my first and only boy so I'm as grossed out as much as everyone else will be after reading this.
Well, yesterday evening he just so happened to love the toilet so much that he threw his sisters toothbrush in it!!!! Just wonderful. Of course my 5 year old monkey girl reported the situation to me immediately. She also made sure to inform me that it was hers and that it needed to be taken out. The wave of voices saying the exact thing by the next two monkeys followed. I just did what any other mommy would do at 7pm at night. I told them I would do it least once showers were done. Well, I forgot. So the kids took their regular evening showers and then Diva Monkey girl (the new name I've given my eldest daughter) had to use the restroom and flushed it down with the rest of the stuff no one wanted to sort through to remove this tool that would potentially cost me a fortune to fix!!! What a disaster.
I flushed and flushed and plunged and plunged and then thought of the one tool all homes need to have in case of an emergency, even if you won't use them in your closet, a wire hanger. Every time I'm in a bind to get something far in a corner, out of the sink, in a crack, I swear I could even use one as a weapon if I had to, I think of the good almighty wire hanger. So I went and got one out of my husband's closet and reshaped it and Ta Da I got the long nasty toothbrush out of the toilet. Yeah, I'm too proud of myself for fixing that problem.
Then came the lecture to Little Monkey Man that he is not to place ANYTHING in the toilet ever, except ....well, you know what naturally is supposed to be in there plus a little bit of toilet paper. So what does he try to place in there this morning? PAPER TOWELS!
Point of my story: Always keep a wire hanger around they're great tools.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

When I first started this business everyone had advise, they still do, and I appreciate it very much. One bit of advice I thought I'd stay clear of was ebay. I was told to try and sell on ebay and I was hesitant. Well, I tried it. I do have to say that I liked it. I sold two Simple & Sweet Nursing Curtains and am happy to say one went to Australia.
Pretty cool.
Don't ask me how much.
At least I'm spreading the word on my products :-)
No, not the bad bad detox, the okay detox. I decided to detox my system of caffeine. I really don't consume too much of this very addictive drug. I usually just have it in my morning cup of coffee which hardly gets consumed because I have three kids that are either fighting, almost late to get to school or have hair to be brushed.
Now, there have been many times I've painfully put my cup of coffee down. I mean, I have to make a decision often do I make the kids their lunches for school or drink my coffee in peace, do I brush my child's hair or drink my cup of coffee and then there have been time that I've tried to do both and the end result is coffee everywhere including hair and none in my system. So I came to the conclusion I really don't need it and I'm going to try to go through the rough days of detox!
First day, forget it. Besides the fact that I stayed up until 1 am working on my business and started the detox program UI was a mess and mean. I was so confused all day long. I was a mad mess. Did I mention that I was a mess? It was good my family stayed away from me. I had to take a nap...if you know me I don't do naps. I even went to sleep that night at 8:30pm. I mean if I was going to have a headache, which I took 4 tylenol for all day long, I may as well have slept it off. The second day just a little cloudy. Today, the third day, I'm actually very clear headed and feel great. The only thing though, along with detoxing my body of caffeine I sware I'm detoxing it of food too! This program I'm on just makes me hungry!
Yes a program, it's the Jay Robb Fruit flush and detox program. I read the book and it was pretty healthy so I'm on it. Flushing my body. So far so good, just HUNGRY!
I don't know what's worse, me grumpy because I'm detoxing the caffeine out of my body or me grumpy because I'm hungry. My poor husband can probably answer that one. I
I'll keep you posted on how it works. I can say besides the detoxing I've lost 2 lbs. but come on when you're hardly eating that's sure to happen, right?
UPDATE: Well I did last the 3 days on this little detox and I did feel mentally and physically better by the 3rd day. I also lost 8 pounds and got into my one size smaller clothes by the end of the program. I don't think I would recommend it for weight loss but I would for a caffein cleanse/body cleanse. It really helped me focus on eating better and focusing on my health.
My Space
I'm on myspace now! Click on the link to the side to check us out and add us as a friend!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Water Babies

This summer was filled with tons of fun in the sun. Swimming anywhere we could was the goal. There was a nice hot day that we we able to gather with friends at a community pool and my sister invited her friend and her little show off nephew :-)
Let me tell you a little about this boy. He's only 3 and swims like a fish. He could out swim any adult and pretty much made my three year old feel pretty competitive. Yes, there was a moment monkey boy took off his life vest and actually jumped into the pool. He was feeling pretty brave and had to show everyone he could swim too. Well, he sank. I made sure to be very close by and had his older cousin and Princess Monkey sister right there next to him to save him if he went under water for too long. I mean he had to find out that he was not a master at this skill yet.
After swallowing a small amount of water he realized he could not swim and did not fight with me further. Back in the life vest and into the water monkey man went. He was fine but now I'm a bit determined to have him ready for the next swimming season.
Come to find out this young swimming master (let's call him "show Off") started swimming classes at the very young age of 5 months. Now, that's pretty cool. Can't wait to get my little monkey man started so we can have a swim off :-)

Here's a link to such a great swimming technique for all babies and toddlers. I was sent it today and had to share.

Go To BED!!!!

Getting back into the school routine has been a challenge. I swore that I was going to get my monkeys practicing their normal 8PM bedtime a week before school started so that they would get used to it BUT that didn't happen. We pretty much waited until the night before school started to enforce bedtime at 8pm.

Three weeks into school and we're still fighting at night with all three of them. I found this really cute piece on you tube. Have fun watching, just don't watch while you're angry at them or waiting for them to fall asleep at night :-)

Friday, September 14, 2007

Public Breastfeeding
Okay, so I'm a bit late to discuss this issue but I really wanted to post and link you to it. A woman in a Applebee's restaurant was recently out to lunch with her children celebrating an anniversary and was approached by her waitress and asked to cover up while nursing if she wanted to remain in the restaurant. The woman did not have a blanket with her but the waitress repeated herself and then the woman had to go to her car to nurse her infant!!!!! I guess some people in this country have not been on top of what is happening when they mess with hungry nursing babies and their mama's. I hope this woman (Brooke Ryan) does some great legal stuff for at least her city and place Applebee's and other companies in their place!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Because I Said So!
This is something I do say very often to my children. I mean, if you're a mother, how could you not say it? With so many questions and little people around complaining, whining or hesitating to do as you ask, it's something you find yourself finally using after too much explanation.
Today I came across a very great blog I wanted to share with you, Because I said So. This very well written blogger, Dawn, mommy to six children all aging from 12 to 1 years, is hilarious. Dawn writes of everyday life with little ones and the funny, frustrating and just everyday battles a mommy to six goes through. Dawn is my newest hero.
Summer Vacation
Yes, I've been missing for the whole summer! My kids were around and drained every last drip of energy I had. I decided I would just take a little break and get into it once school started.
Well, it just started so I'm back. You were on my mind though, and I did miss you.
Good to be back and talk to you again.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


I've been thinking lately about marketing ideas and getting my products out to the world at affordable rates. Being that my number one job is that I am a stay at home mom (SAHM) and secondly a work at home mom (WAHM) a marketing budget can sometimes be very far off when I want to promote my products. I came up with a little free idea and want to pass on the news about my few products baby step at a time. So I'm inviting my past customers and interested visitors to get involved. It can't hurt and I know it'll be fun. Everyone loves a freebie now and then. Right?
Besides my own products I have other companies and online boutiques in line. I'll start off with my own products and go from there. Just to get you a little excited, Babylegs are a cute and fun product I'm going to give away as well. Check them out and get excited!
Check in with us from time to time and have fun. Oh, one more thing, pass the word out to all mommies you know that this is going on here.

The Kids are out for the Summer!!!

My monkeys are out of school for the summer. This means I have 12 weeks with them here at home (2 down, 10 to go).
We started off summer with a weekend to Disneyland, birthday celebrations at school the last week for my monkey princess, 1 week bible camp and camping. All in two weeks! We've been busy but it has been wonderful so far being with them.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Mama Kanga

Do you baby wear? I think we all eventually do weather it's with a pouch, sling, carrier or our plain ole arms because that's what babies want right? It soothes and calms them just to be on us or in our arms. So the best inventions ever are the solutions solvers to this problem of never being able to put your little monkey down, the pouch, sling, and carriers of all sorts out there.
The next give away that Steph at Adventures in Babywearing is doing is $75.00 towards products at Mama Kanga. While I absolutely love the look of the Sling Ring Slings, I have a horrible back and know this pretty baby would just put me on the floor for days so I would stick with the Cat Bird Mei Tai hoping that this helps distribute weight evenly (it's really cute too).
Check out Mama Kanga for all of their really nice babywearing products and also check out how to win this gift certificate for yourself on Adventures in Babywearing !


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Business Advising
Today I had an appointment with a business advisor. What a great experience. I'm a year into this official business stuff an I've taken business courses, I've read business books (especially those geared towards women) but I've lacked the business mentoring from a professional.
It started off great. He really knew his stuff and really liked my invention, my clothing, my ideas and mission. I did get a bit nervous when the topic on "Business Funding" came up because I hate thinking about credit or owing money to anyone BUT I'm figuring that many have succeeded with this form of assistance. It's still up in the air and there is so much to research and plan.
Boutique Scouting
This week I've been off to a few more boutiques and I have an appointment with a couple more. I was accepted into one, which is owned by two really nice women. They complimented me on my business and product which made me feel really great. Another boutique owner is planning on ordering some covers. I also have my fingers crossed for my appointment at a local hospital boutique. We'll see and I'll keep you posted. I'll be updating my retail locations soon.
Diary of a Mom to Be

For any of you who would love to follow the pregnancy of a mommy to be then follow me to Chic Blvd.'s season 2 of Diary of a Mom to Be.

Her name is Alli and her little one is due very soon, September to be exact. She's expecting a boy and Mommy's Little Monkey is proud to gift her with a Simple and Sweet Nursing Curtain plus clothing for her little one. Check out her blog and look forward to your own pregnancy or simply reminisce about your recent pregnancy/pregnancies. Also check out the great products she receives along the way.


Monday, June 04, 2007

fit for a little Monkey!!!!!

Having three monkeys means I am always on the search for new shoes. Growth spurts plus little monkeys that "drag" their feet everywhere they go equals shoe shopping every couple of weeks, it seems like. I know that if it were possible they would walk barefoot every second that they could but because they can't I'm happy to have come across some cute thick soled shoes that look like they can take some good ware. Stephanie at Adventures in Baby Wearing actually posted a contest on her site to win a gift certificate for some Vincent shoes so hurry up and check her site out for all the info.

Vincent shoes are stylish, cute and the best thing for me is that they are available in large sizes for my older monkeys. My favorite pair for "Monkey Man" are COOL. For my "little Monkey Princess" I prefer Sanna, although I know she would live in the Princessa if she could. For my "big Monkey Princess" I really like the Tanja's and I know she would really like these too. By the way, did I mention that they offer large sizes for older children? If you have older children in larger sizes you'll probably really appreciate this as well. The larger their feet grow the harder it is to find sweet and age appropriate styles.

Hip Hip Hooray for Vincent shoes!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

What about Mommy?

A little fashion plus comfort after giving birth is a necessity. Although I'm not a walking model of fashion (to tell you the truth I'm often seen in work out clothing) I can't help but hope someday I will be fashionable :-)

I can say that I clean up pretty well though..haha. So on to the topic. I do feel it is a very neglected subject-new mommies and fitting fashions. This is a crucial time, a sensitive time and often the time we feel our frumpiest. This is a time that nothing fits and we find out that most won't for a while. We get stuck in maternity clothing and never ending roller coaster of emotions. Do we go for a walk? Should I eat that? Why am I not loosing this darn weight? Will those pre-pregnancy pants fit yet? Why am I not loosing the weight, I'm nursing that baby like crazy and feel like a dairy cow!

Okay, I am determined and on a mission to help those women out there, including myself (because one day I may go through this again) to find fashionable clothing that will help during a woman's transition into motherhood. We all know how many emotional and physical changes we can go through and having comfortable, well fitting clothes (not maternity clothing) will help in this department.

Let's start the day we deliver. Cute post partum lounge wear is a great start. I remember watching when Rachel (Jennifer Aniston) from FRIENDS had her baby on the show and I absolutely loved what she wore when her Friends came into the room to see her and her baby for the first time. Rachel was in a shelf bra Cami, a hoodie and what I could imagine were some cotton cute pants. When I had my third baby I made sure to go out and find this type of clothing for my post partum resting. I felt so good when I received compliments from my nurses. Thanks Rachel ( or more like the fashion stylists for the show)!!!! Here's some cute stuff I found and at reasonable prices for your recovery. A pair of drawstring lounge pants, a tank top or Cami allows easy access to baby during nursing time, and a thin hoodie is a plus during your stay especially when that air conditioner kicks in. Don't forget a pair of slippers ( make sure to pamper yourself with a pedicure before labor. Whether it's professionally, hubby or best friend doing it for you).

Now a great "Leaving the Hospital outfit" would be nice too. This would be the outfit you go home in and later can accept visiting Friends and family or run quick errands in. Make sure clothing afterwards is as loose as you would like but shorter than maternity clothing. Drawstring or elastic fashions will at least help your emotional transition and will help you physically transition back into to your pre-pregnancy clothing.

Cheers to motherhood, because it's beautiful and so are you!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sun+Skin= A Painful Burn
The sun is officially here and it's the time of year we welcome it and all the fun that tags along. The beach, swimming parties, camping vacations, and not to mention amusement park visits are all coupled with bathing suits and barely there fashions exposing hidden skin we're so ready to drench in the sun.
I have to admit I am very ready to relax and soak in some rays. After the recent teaser,Memorial day weekend, I am very excited to start summer and have a little fun. So I wanted to mention SUNBLOCK!
What age is an appropriate age to lather those kiddos in protection? I just so happened to apply some on my first monkey princess when she was 7 months old (one month older then the recommended age) and she had a painful reaction. Her skin turned red and her eyes teared up. I felt like a horrible mommy after it occurred but just wanted to protect my baby's skin. After a quick washing off with mild soap she was all better and we made sure to place a good floppy hat on her head.
Researching the topic a bit I found this article on Sunblock and babies. Best bet is to just keep baby covered and a hat on. Their tiny body and sensitive skin may just not be ready for the chemical filled sunblocks a larger body can handle.
When protecting an older child (6 months and older) make sure to use a high SPF. Here's a natural brand of sun protection I found. Combine this with a great hat and you're set, but remember to reapply sunblock every 3-4 hours and keep little one out of the sun during high sun ray hours (12-4pm).
For Mommy and Daddy try Clarins sun protection (just mentioned on Oprah) and for hat protection (something I've been recently searching for) Hat attack offers a great floppy hat for women and for men check these out. A pair of cute sunglasses and good hair conditioner for mommy and you're set! Oh, make sure to protect your hair and scalp, especially those hair partings on your scalp, they will burn. Believe me, it's happened a couple of times to me and it's pretty painful not to mention embarrassing once your scalp starts peeling
:-( Gross.
Happy sun fun

Friday, May 25, 2007

Diaper Bags

Diaper bags are what saves a mommy's life! You can place your baby's whole wardrobe in some bags and place just a couple of things in others. Well, I went in search for a cute diaper bag that would double as a stylish purse during and after baby packing days. I fell in love with........drum roll please!

Mia Bossi ! A little pricey but it's the same amount many women are spending on their own bags these days. Mia Bossi bags have compartments for all the many things we carry with us keeping it all organized and pile free. No more digging! (At least for the first couple of uses). After you're done with baby carrying check out how you can change the interior insert to a computer bag! Too cool working mommy!

Here are some other cool and stylish diaper bags. Caden Lane, now this one is too cute and pretty. I love the pink trim. Chocolate brown with pink lining, now that Mommy's Little Monkeys signature colors.

For more cute diaper styles check out Caden Lane's Backpack, The blossom Diaper Bag by POSH, and The Sam Hobo bag (in style, functional and no one knows it's a diaper bag).

May I also add that all of these bags will fit my wonderful Nursing Curtain or Simple and Sweet Nursing Curtain! Just had to mention that little piece of info. ;-)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Little Monkey Fashion!!!!
Once upon a time when I didn't research on the Internet and had so much time on my hands I did not know about "clothing brands" other than the big names in department stores. I loved anything Target, and I still do, BUT now I'm catching myself notice different brands (boutique brands) when I see them on little ones and in boutiques. To see them in person is so much better than to run into them on line. I never meant to be into this stuff it just kind of happened. Like the different strollers and shoe brands-they're catchy especially when you're researching brands over and over again. I do it to see what the company is up to, where they're going through media coverage and so forth. I also love to see the development of their web sites. So blah blah blah on to my point for this posting.
I came across a clothing brand that is so nice and reasonably priced, at least for special occasions. TEA Clothing is absolutely beautiful. Don't tell her but I purchased a really pretty Dress for my daughter's upcoming birthday and I know she'll love it. Tea prides themselves in designing clothing inspired by celebrating the beauty found in cultures around the world. I absolutely love that about them. The dress I bought was a Mexico piece. I can't find it online at all but I'll add a picture once I give it to her to show you how pretty it is.
Check Tea out.
That's a fashion bit for your little monkey.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I've been thinking about this blog thing and where exactly it fits in with my business and life. I mean do people really care that I have anything on my mind? Do people want to read my life challenges, although I haven't really been posting too many of those colorful events lately? Do people want to read about my little monkeys and my gorilla husband? Do they want to read about the road I'm traveling with my business, my triumphs, my up and downs, what makes me happy and sad and that I really do cry because I'm an emotional wreck plus sleep deprived? Well, maybe you do. So, I decided I'm going to take you on a little journey with me through it all.
Okay, so if you've been reading this blog then you realize I'm not so great at writing. Here's a little secret, I often come back on this blog and re-read everything and then correct my mistakes, clarify what I'm trying to say and correct misspelled words because this darn spell check is lousy. So forgive my writing and that's the end of that.

On with my new journey

Picked up!

Mommy's Little Monkey was picked up by a cute and posh boutique! My Little Sprout located here in Chula Vista. The Shops at San Miguel Ranch to be exact, has picked up clothing and The Simple and Sweet Nursing Curtain by Mommy's Little Monkey.
I'm thrilled! After preparing my presentation I was a bit nervous and hesitated to go to the boutique. You see, I'm a bit shy when it comes to this business stuff. Maybe it's the fear of rejection I have haunting me. I'll have to get over that.
This was a new experience for me. I had sincerely contacted Java Mama's owner complimenting her on her great idea for her wonderful and much needed mommy coffee shop/hangout and she responded with an invitation to pick up my line of products. That was thrilling but this was a actual knock on the door "Hello would you like to buy some cookies" ordeal, and she bought some! I mean I won't compare my stuff with cookies because, you know, they're not cookies. I'm just so happy to finally be walking the road of having my products liked and recognized.........I guess finally making this (my dreams) a reality.
After the presentation was over we talked a bit about business and our aspirations. When she finally made her decision I went to my car to get my products, checked the time and freaked! I had to go pick up my two little monkeys from preschool. WOW, I had 20 minutes to get to the other side of town and had to let her know that I needed to go. I'm so thankful she understood and that my very good friend stayed with the monkeys until I got there.
I returned later to finish the order and I was off. Now, maybe being sleep deprived and exhausted from the roller coaster of emotions I had experienced earlier that day made me exhausted but I still drove to my best friend's house to take pictures of her and her little monkey with the Simple and Sweet Nursing Curtain on to add on to the website and then realized it was nearly 8:00pm once we were through. This meant that I really didn't see the kids all day and I wanted to get home to them plus tell them the great news. I talked a bit with them and then put them to bed, found my way to the couch and I was out by 9:00PM. The next day I was pretty beat. Well, I guess I'll stop whining and express my excitement on this great experience. WHEE!!!!

Happy I'm spreading the news on my business.
Happy I'm being picked up by boutiques.
Exhausted and a bit fuzzy headed while doing it all.
Loving the journey.


Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Mother's Day !!!
I want to wish all mommies a very happy day on Sunday. May it be filled with many cards from your little monkeys, macaroni necklaces and kisses. Here's a beautiful poem written that touched my heart for moms.
Women have strengths that amaze us.
They carry children, they carry hardships,
they carry burdens but they hold happiness, love and joy.
They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in. They stand up for injustice.
They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe there is a better solution.
They go without new shoes so their children can have them.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear about a birth or a new marriage.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They have sorrow at the loss of a family member,
yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all sizes, in all colors and shapes.
They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show how much they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what makes the world spin!
Women do more than just give birth.
They bring joy and hope.
They give compassion and ideals.
They give moral support to their family and friends.
Women have a lot to say and a lot to give.
-Author Unknown

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The Mommy Test
This was sent to me today and I wanted to post it on here so that other mommies can smile and laugh.
I was out walking with my 4 year old daughter. She picked up something off the ground and started to put it in her mouth. I took the item away from her and I asked her not to do that. "Why?" my daughter asked. "Because it's been on the ground, you don't know where it's been, it's dirty and probably has germs" I replied. At this point, my daughter looked at me with total admiration and asked, "Mommy, how do you know all this stuff? You are so smart." I was thinking quickly. "All moms know this stuff. It's on the Mommy Test. You have to know it, or they don't let you be a Mommy." We walked along in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, but she was evidently pondering this new information."OH...I get it!" she beamed, "So if you don't pass the test you have to be the daddy." "Exactly" I replied back with a big smile on my face.
When you're finished laughing, send this to a Mom.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

The New Simple and Sweet line has arrived to Mommy's Little Monkey!
Mommy's Little Monkey has a new line of nursing covers! Introducing The Simple and Sweet Nursing Curtain ! The site still needs a bit of photo fixing but let me give you all of the details on this new cover.
The Simple and Sweet Nursing Curtain is similar to The Nursing Curtain but it lacks the extra piece of material (the valance) along the front chest area. It comes in all the same new prints as the Nursing Curtain and is embellished with ribbon to accentuate the colors in the fabric. This is a great addition to Mommy's Little Monkey and we are excited to have it finally added to the site.
Check it out and pass on the word to your nursing friends and family.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

QVC/Oprah's Search for the next BIG Idea!
Tune in Thursday to the Oprah Winfrey Show. The audience will choose the next BIG idea to be on QVC and sell their products. More than 6,000 people applied and interviewed for the spot with QVC judges and only a couple were selected to be there. We went, were not chosen but we were interviewed by Oprah's film crew and hopefully we made a little spot on the opening intro. to her show. I'll be watching but even if we did not make it on the show we still had a blast going and being a part of the whole thing.
Tune in this Thursday, May 3rd!

Cinco De Mayo was a great success!

Mommy's Little Monkey turned 1 and returned to the Cinco de Mayo celebration! So many people recognized us and congratulated us on our success. It was really rewarding to have returning customers come up to me and tell me how much they loved my product, read the blog and appreciated my business. It was also wonderful to have excited people come up to me and discover my business, complimenting me on my products. It was so motivating!

I want to thank each person who was there and browsed, purchased or simply took a card wanting to spread the news on my business. :-) Thanks!

Sunday, April 22, 2007


This week I'll be working like a Crazy Lady trying to get things done for the upcoming Cinco de Mayo celebration here in my town. It's this Sunday, April 29th. A bit before Cinco de Mayo but it's all good. That means that Mommy's Little Monkey is turing 1!

Yes, we launched last year the exact same weekend. I'll definitley be celebrating after it's done with my favorite fiesta drink, a Margarita!




Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Tonight I was visiting fellow blogger sites. Motivated to spread the news on a topic posted on Mama Knows Breast- Breastfeeding Cuts Breast Cancer Risk, I wanted to give you the link so that you may educate yourself on this new Research Story.
Andi has a friend who is currently journaling her journey with breast cancer. Her journal includes when she finds out she has cancer, battling the Chemotherapy to loosing her precious hair. The way she handles each step is so heart moving.
Just as Kelly found a lump while nursing her little one , I too had/have a lump in my left breast that I found while nursing my first child eight years ago. I was immediately concerned about this lump. I went several times to the doctor for this lump in my breast but each time I was told that it was not common for a 23 year old, breastfeeding woman to have cancer. I was also told my breasts were/are fibrous and that I should not worry. For a while I've ignored the concern for this lump but I have been checking in from time to time just to see if it has grown. Again, I'm concerned. So far she has stayed the same size but getting checked would probably be the best thing to do, don't you think?
This story has motivated me to go back to my doctor to get it checked out again. Having lived with Alopecia as a child my worst fear is loosing my hair, as it is I don't have eyebrows because of it so when I was little being bald and eyebrowless, many people always asked my mom if I had cancer. Does this sound shallow or what? I mean who cares about this-Hair loss? Overall the average person would primarily think of CANCER first, but me HAIR LOSS! After reading Kelly's story I am humbled and feel ashamed for these emotions. Her strength-inspirational, her personality through all she has journaled-motivating, my prayers go out to Kelly and her family.
I am so glad I read this tonight and promise to make my appointment tomorrow to see my doctor on this lump in my breast. I also ask for you to spread the news on cancer and the connection of breastfeeding reducing the risk in women.



This Sunday, April 22ND, marks EARTH DAY. Celebrate with all responsible parents and people who want a better future for their children and generations of future family by supporting "The Sky Belongs To All of Us"

Since I've become a mother pollution and becoming "Green" has been a priority. I continue to teach my children and incorporate Green living into my everyday activities including while running my business. Doing just a couple of things can help our environment. We can make a difference little steps at a time.

Learn about little things you can do to help here .


My Monkey Man turns three and Starts School in the same week!

Monkey man just turned three Sunday and we celebrated by removing his little horns in his much anticipated baptism. Yes! Finally maybe we'll see a halo start to appear. So far I haven't been able to see a thing around his head, maybe it takes some time.
The family came over and we had a small celebration combining his birthday in there as well. He's been into Monster Jam lately and so we ended up getting him a Monster Jam cake. For any of you who don't know what the heck Monster Jam is then let me explain. It's when these ginormous vehicles that sit on metal frames crash into each other and destroy various objects in their paths. They fall apart sometimes and make very loud noise while doing their destruction. Daddies love it, at least my hubby does.
If you live in a boy world you probably know all about it. I came from princess dress up, tiaras and wands with my two first monkey princesses to a world of Tonka trucks, Monster Jam and this great cartoon I have to tell you about, "Bigfoot Presents" on Discovery Kids. This great show can keep my monkey man occupied for a long time, he loves it! If I need to clean or get some lunch together I know exactly what to put on the tube feeling confident he's not destroying anything or hurting himself.
Well, he ended up getting a great lunchbox for his birthday from my brother and sister-in-law and monkey man is crazy about it. Today he woke up excited that he was starting school. We dressed him and then he and his sisters went to the kitchen to get ready for breakfast. When he knew it was time to get his snack together he scambled for his big Fire engine lunch box and made sure he was right there watching all that was placed inside it. Then he held on tight to it and would not put it down.
When it was time to take him and his sister to school I didn't think I would get emotional BUT I did. I felt confident his sister would be fine because she currently is in pre-school and is attending this new one with monkey man to help with the transition. When it was time to leave him I was taken over by many emotions. I just watched my last baby sitting at the play dough table sculpting away. He never really looked up at me or F . We said goodbye to the both of them and turned to walk away then he yelled "mommy I want a hug" then asked F for one too. We said good bye again and then off we went. I started tearing up and walking to the car the tears came down.
I'm happy that they're in school but it's a new little chapter in my life. I'm a scared it's all happening too fast yet I kind of asked for time to speed forward during my challenging moments with them. Now, it sits here in my lap and I want to rewind time and hold them in my arms again and change diapers......okay maybe not that part. I have to just take it in and see what lies ahead. More time for my business but the down side of it all is I now have six hours a week to myself so I have no more excuses for a dirty house :-(

Man!!!! Now you know what I did today-cleaned!


Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Although I am almost always a little delayed in my posting I wanted to get on and post my sincere condolences to all the families who lost a loved one during the awful attack at Virginia Tech. University yesterday. I also want to mention that not all students are "young"(18 yrs), single and without children. I was a mother while attending UCSD.
To all the victims may they rest in peace but for any children who lost a mommy or daddy in yesterday's attack, my prayers are also with you in this time of grieving and healing.


Thursday, April 12, 2007

Two Months!

My best friend is two months post partum! Her Little monkey is so beautiful and is now staying awake longer and is more alert. I went over to visit the other night and somehow received diaper duty the minute I got there. I remember those days and actually miss them. I was so happy to have diaper duty. His mommy put his little mobile on and he cooed as I changed him. I couldn't stop holding him and loving him. I really miss the baby days.
BFF is doing so good too. Her transition into mommyhood has been quite a big one but she 's doing so good and is glowing. I actually remember not feeling very natural when I became a mommy and it was a huge challenge for me. Some days were great and I felt good about the whole new life I had and other days I felt like I was surely going to fail at this new job. I still have those days but most days I surrender to the fact that I'm going to mess them up no matter what! :-)
Really though, I love my job as a mommy and with time and more children you gain confidence and get the hang of it, I did.
To babies, they make us the mommies who we are and turn us into women we never thought we could be!

Moving To Texas!!!

No, I'm not moving to Texas at this very minute but my husband, F, came home from work the other day suggesting that we pick up and move there. What the heck is there in Texas for us? I mean no offense to anyone who lives in Texas, I'm sure it's great but we were both born and raised here in SD and have so much family here that I could not imagine leaving to a state where we have no one. I guess it comes down to the kids and what we will and can offer them in the future. Although he's concerned with these little monkeys who are growing up so fast I can't help but worry that we'll take them out there and once they're grown will be drawn back home to California where all of their family is, leaving us alone in a hot hell.
After discussing it with him a bit I do understand his emotions and so I decided to take a little trip with him to hell (I only mean the heat)to check it out. Austin to be exact is where we're headed to visit in one month.
To be continued.........

Spring Break !

So last week was spring break. It seems like I used to look so forward to it. To mornings I could sleep in and not have to rush around making coffee and watching it simmer and then turn cold as I pass it several times while getting the kids ready for school. To late nights watching movies and playing games or reading books with the kids. This year though, I looked forward to it but it was very fast and we still rushed around not to mention I never had a good cup of hot coffee.

We played at the park and had a picnic. The kids ran, rode scooters and played at the playground. We went to the Zoo and also visited the beach. It was nice and I took a break from working the whole week just to dedicate time to the kids.

Cheers to Spring!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Mommy's Little Monkey went to Oprah's Search for the Next Big Idea!!!!

Monday was an exciting day for me! I traveled north to Downtown L.A. to enter Oprah's Search for the Next Big Idea! It was so great. I started off the week a nervous wreck. With some motivation, simple mentoring and conversation with a close family friend and fellow inventor he really calmed my nerves where I was able to carry on the week in peace. As Monday approached I prepared and was on my way with confidence and faith that I had a chance at this contest that QVC and Harpo productions partnered up and had set up. I had a 4PM schedule appointment. We (my motivating team and emotional support from the birth of my creation and start of my business, cousin and sister-in-law) made it just in time and arrived a bit nervous yet excited. We signed waivers, just in case we were video taped by Oprah's cameras and then entered the room where many people were waiting to be discovered. Once I realized that there were so many people and that the interview process was nothing like American Idol I was relieved and a wave of confidence set in.
I then went to check in and once in line waiting we said a little prayer and off I was escorted to a table to display my product. I displayed the two products the best that I could and was ready for the interview to begin. A judge, Kim, came over and introduced herself and I then introduced myself and it began. I presented my creations to her and she asked me a couple of questions like what it was made of and if it was machine washable, if I had a patent and what they were priced at. It was a painless process and then I was done. I was very pleased with the experience but one thing I did notice was how these professional purchasing QVC judges showed absolutely no emotion. They simply asked their questions and were then on their way. I really noticed this while I waited. I love to read people too and I could not see any emotion in the two I studied. They must send them through many training courses or poker classes to teach them this skill!
When I was packed up and walking away the girls met me and they started asking me questions. We were then approached by Oprah's camera crew and they asked to interview us! WOW, this was too exciting for me. I said yes and they started asking me questions about the process and if I thought I would be chosen. What was I supposed to say? "oh yeah, I'm getting a call back for sure" NO! I did not say that, I simply said it was great and that the experience was wonderful. My judge was very nice and she made it very painless. I also said I was hopeful of the outcome. THEN.......I had to take advantage of the exposure. I asked if they wanted to see my product ;-) I HAD TO! The crew glanced at each other as if they had never been asked the question before, nodded at each other and kept filming. I took out my Nursing Curtain and informed them of what it was and what it did. The woman who approached me, who was most likely the one in charge whispered that she was nursing. We finished up and I then gave her one!!!!!! One of Oprah's people has one of my creations!!!!
Overall it was such a great experience and I'm really happy I did it. I'll receive the results by April 27th.
Keep your fingers crossed for me,

Friday, March 16, 2007

Check out my new fabric selections!
We changed out the old and came in with some new and very cute prints including Mamalicious Blue and Pink. I love them!!
Soon to be added to the collection is The Simple and Sweet Nursing Curtain which is almost the same but much simpler. This cover lacks the valance and has a cute pocket in the front to hold all your nursing and non-nurisng needs.
Visit us to see what's new!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Helping the New Breastfeeding Mommy

My best friend had her baby on February 11Th. I went to her baby shower the day prior and she had asked me what contractions felt like. I explained a bit and then she said she felt cramping. The day went on and just by glancing at her you could tell she was experiencing discomfort. With my own experience this could go on for days. I left a little later and told her to call me the next day.
She was scheduled to have a Cesarean due to the baby being breached later that week but Sunday, Feb. 11Th, was the his natural birthday. Her water broke very early that morning and once at the hospital they got ready for her and performed the surgery. I missed it all because I was at a baptism and forgot my purse at home! I cried a lot that day. He's beautiful and now officially a month old.
Although I missed the birth I did make it to the hospital later that day and stayed a while with her and her family. When I arrived the baby was in the nursery. When she started to worry a bit about the length of time he had been gone she decided to call her nurse and told them to bring her the baby. They listened to her wishes.....a good thing! When he was rolled into the room he came in bundled like a little burrito. Just beautiful, it actually made me feel like having another one but I think three is good right now :-)
She decided to start nursing him again but he was very sleepy. By the time I left his suction was growing stronger. She asked me when I would be back and I told her I would be back in the morning. This pushed me to go home and read up on Cesarean births and related issues on breastfeeding.
The next day they were both doing very good and his suction was better than the day before. He was very sleepy but expected from a Cesarean baby. His latch on was good too and she was making sure to latch the baby on correctly by making sure he opened wide and placed her finger in there and retired if it was a bad latch. This woman is the poster mama for breastfeeding and I made sure to tell her too. I'm just a little jealous :-)
Once she was home and after going to her first pediatric visit the doctor informed her that the baby need to latch better, that her had lost a lot and that he was jaundiced. This was something I had experienced with my first baby as well. It scared her a bit and she made appointments with a lactation consultant that helped her with her issues.
One thing that also helped her through her breastfeeding challenges was the La Leche Book "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding". This is a great book and I recommend it to all expectant mommies that are very adamant to breastfeed.
She is now almost 5 weeks postpartum and doing great. I told her my own secret of counting down each day when it gets challenging. 5 weeks has gone by very fast for me but I know when you're the one transitioning it can be hard. Counting down helps you to pat yourself on the back and realize hat you are one day more into giving the very best nutrition to your baby.

Until next time,
Missing Blogger!!!

I am very sorry that I have not posted anything in a while! I'm not missing...I'm here just very busy.
My best friend had her little monkey in February and I did do a lot of breastfeeding review and helped her out when I could (this topic needs it's own post). I've also been busy with the family, organizing the house, and of course the business.
My birthday just passed on the 13Th! I am now officially a year older :-) I'm proud and very accepting of aging, don't get me wrong, but this year I was a little blue. I 'm guessing it was the cold I came down which attacked me when I woke up that morning.
Anyhow, everything is going good. Now on to some Mommy issues.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

What a Craze for some Java!

Today marked the Grand Opening of a great new coffee shop here in San Diego. Java Mama was on the news this morning and received great coverage. I intended to make it there by 9:30am or so but ended up there at around 10:30am.

I had my two youngest monkeys in tow and once we walked in it was crazy, a good crazy though. Arm to arm with mommies and toddlers there for some Java and fun. The Bump gave away great bags of freebies, which some of my own products were in there :) and Java Mama gave away free Java and goodies too. The play area, which is designed with little monkeys in mind (ages 1-3), was crowded with toddling toddlers and of course my 2 year old had to be the roughest one there. He was everywhere! Up on the slide, down in the train table play station, then away to the soft blocks where he piled and destroyed on top of very young monkeys. I really felt like I was in the wrong place at the right time. This place is great, it was just the opening day and there was so much excitement. Okay, so I'll blame his wildness on the fact that there were so many other excited little ones and hope that he's one of the best ones next time we go out.

So am I the only one who cringes every time out with the kids. Hoping that they behave and then being a bit disappointed once you're in the moment? Am I the only one who feels like you want to control your child and expect your two year old to behave and mind everything he is told? I have two girls older than this little monkey and they were a different experience. I mean this boy can be wild and I feel like I don't have the tools to tame him and then I also feel like he's little and I need to just kick back. What about you?

Overall, Java Mama was a great hit today and I know my products will do great there. There were so many mommies with itty bitty ones, nursing up some healthy greatness. If you're in San Diego and want some time with your girlfriends, yourself and of course your little monkeys then remember Java Mama.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Breastfeeding Etiquette

After reading a really great blog topic post by I decided to check out the link she posted for The Today Show and breastfeeding etiquette. Susan Kane , the editor and chief to Baby Talk Magazine, was interviewed by Ann Curry on the great topic of breastfeeding statistics and the declined percentage of breastfeeding mothers at 6 months. Besides the help women need to succeed at breastfeeding, the problem at the work place and breastfeeding, etiquette was the focus and the attitude public has towards the act.
This week took a survey on the topic, which is a Internet site particularly targeted towards women, and the results were

57% responded breastfeeding should only be done in discreet places and all covered
30% responded anywhere-anytime
10% never in public

57% was the result from the national dietetic association's national survey for people who disapprove to public breastfeeding

It is wonderful to see this is becoming such a hot topic and that people are helping to make changes. Susan embraced that it is a very difficult challenge for many women to go out into public and breastfeed due to their own feelings and the way the public treats nursing mothers. Also discussed were the rights to feeds anywhere, anytime defending nursing mothers "what woman do you know wants to show her, sane woman, wants to show herself in public?" in defense to public attitude towards a woman exposing herself while breastfeeding.
Women are able to breastfeed discreetly and continue their breastfeeding relationship in public whether doing so with a cover up (which was emphasised a couple of times in the interview) or anyway a woman can do so. I am very happy this was on the Today Show because it is something so many women are faced with everyday. The choice when faced with this issues is just like Susan said on the show, either stay locked up in your home because of your feelings or go out and do what you have to-breastfeed in public. Check out this interview and click on breastfeeding etiquette.

thanks to Andi at