Tuesday, July 03, 2007


I've been thinking lately about marketing ideas and getting my products out to the world at affordable rates. Being that my number one job is that I am a stay at home mom (SAHM) and secondly a work at home mom (WAHM) a marketing budget can sometimes be very far off when I want to promote my products. I came up with a little free idea and want to pass on the news about my few products baby step at a time. So I'm inviting my past customers and interested visitors to get involved. It can't hurt and I know it'll be fun. Everyone loves a freebie now and then. Right?
Besides my own products I have other companies and online boutiques in line. I'll start off with my own products and go from there. Just to get you a little excited, Babylegs are a cute and fun product I'm going to give away as well. Check them out and get excited!
Check in with us from time to time and have fun. Oh, one more thing, pass the word out to all mommies you know that this is going on here.

The Kids are out for the Summer!!!

My monkeys are out of school for the summer. This means I have 12 weeks with them here at home (2 down, 10 to go).
We started off summer with a weekend to Disneyland, birthday celebrations at school the last week for my monkey princess, 1 week bible camp and camping. All in two weeks! We've been busy but it has been wonderful so far being with them.