Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
I have to admit that these babies do work some magic. I love these things but watch your kids with them. I was on a mom site a while back where there was a warning posted by one mommy and what it did to her little boy's face. It was so aweful! Check it out for yourself
Let's start with what this suckers are made of. Melamine foam (formaldehyde-melamine-sodium bisulfite copolymer) is a crystalline chemical compound. It contains microporous properties that remove hard to remove things from smooth surfaces like crayon, markers, pen, nail polish on my wood floors and white molding, dirt and other great things that shouldn't be on my/your walls and hardwood floors! The microporous areas act like sandpaper but on a very small scale, getting into tiny grooves and pits in the subject being cleaned. These little suckers have really been there for me when I've needed them. Just don't leave your kids or your moms alone with them.
My mom will kill me for this entry but I have to write about her story she shared with me. The story of the little boy who burned his face really made me aware of the fact that I need to have them up high like all of my other cleaning agents. I even warned my friends who I raved and hooked magic eraser on. One person I did not warn once I found out was my mother. I mean, why would I warn her? She doesn't have little ones living with her and when the grand kids are over her house it's not like she's cleaning or anything. So I did not warn her and guess what hap pend? Yes, she burned her face!
My mother has this thing with her face. She blames her facial hair growth she has on her last child, which was a son. I'm not certain if there is proof to her theory but she feels that her last child, her son, created a surge of hormones in her body creating hair growth on her face. My last child was a boy and I do admit I've had an increase in hair growth not to mention an increase in smelly underarms and hair growth in various unwanted spots on my body, but you know that's another story. So with this all said let's take you to the point.
I was over their house one day in December and I visited with them for a while. Once they were walking me out to my car I saw my moms face in the sunlight and viewed a whole bunch of little scratches or patches on her face that could have passed for an outbreak of acne. I asked her what had happened and she told me she was under a lot of stress from a little flood they had in their house. Okay, granted, if I had a flood in my house and mold was growing because of it and my kitchen had to be gutted out I would probably be a bit stressed out too (just a little). So I believed her story, why wouldn't I. The truth came out though on New Year's day when we were sitting and talking and the subject came up about magic erasers and the burned little boy. My mom looked at me and told me that that's exactly what had happened to her. She apparently had a little facial hair breakdown and tried to magically erase her facial hair :) leading to facial burn!!! I could not believe this. I asked her why she didn't tell me truth and she just shared that she was embarrassed at the time. She's okay with it now and has gone in the direction of some cool hair removal contraption that she purchased.
So the point of this story is be careful of these wonder workers because they burn. Don't leave your kids or mom alone with them.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Potty Training and #2!!!!
I am very happy to announce that my little monkey man has officially gone #2 on the potty!!!!!!! He has been potty training for a while and has been peeing on the potty for about a week. My potty training mentality is that they're not really potty trained until that #2 has been successfully accomplished. Yesterday he asked to go #2 on the potty and he did it! A big accomplishment that he knows will get him a fun trip to Chuck-E-Cheese (a great healthy reward!!...Oh yeah) .
So I'm happy and a bit sad at the same time because this means my baby has reached a big milestone to independence......yeah I'm mourning the loss of my third baby/toddler. I know he's going to need me for a long time BUT I can't help but feel that loss of my tiny baby.
Don't even say, it's not time for another baby!
I am very happy to announce that my little monkey man has officially gone #2 on the potty!!!!!!! He has been potty training for a while and has been peeing on the potty for about a week. My potty training mentality is that they're not really potty trained until that #2 has been successfully accomplished. Yesterday he asked to go #2 on the potty and he did it! A big accomplishment that he knows will get him a fun trip to Chuck-E-Cheese (a great healthy reward!!...Oh yeah) .
So I'm happy and a bit sad at the same time because this means my baby has reached a big milestone to independence......yeah I'm mourning the loss of my third baby/toddler. I know he's going to need me for a long time BUT I can't help but feel that loss of my tiny baby.
Don't even say, it's not time for another baby!
Mail Delivery
Yesterday I opened the door while getting ready to take two children to a doctor appointment and saw that we had mail waiting in our box. I also looked down and saw a package below the mail box. Now I love mail. I look forward to it everyday. Sad but true it's one of the highlights of my day. I love the mail but hate bills, love birthday and Christmas cards but cringe over sending them, love solicitations that pertain to my life and have environmental attacks over the ones that don't have anything to do with me and my life at this moment. Oh well, that's me. So back to the package....I looked down and saw a little box on the floor and immediately wanted to know why there was a baby picture on it. Was this box a free box of diapers? Did this box have a free sample of greatness inside? It sure did but to my surprise it was a box of FREE FORMULA! How did I get this? I'm still a bit puzzled over this but somewhere along the line of stuff I filled out somewhere, I was obviously placed on their mailing list and sent this package.
The intro. letter welcomed me and stated that this company makes their formula to give my baby a strong start in life. :) The product container claims that it has DHA and ARA, special nutrients found in breast milk. Now, the container does state that breast milk is recommended, which is placed on there in small print (kind of like the warning on alcoholic beverages). Another thing on the container is this,
"your baby's health depends on carefully following these easy directions. Proper hygiene, handling, and storage are important when preparing infant formula. Powdered infant formulas are not sterile and should not be fed to premature infants or infants who might have immune problems unless directed and supervised by your baby's doctor". Now, I am a bit unaware of formula because I did not use it with my children and I understand that some mommies need to use it, so I am not putting down the use, but I am concerned with this warning. It's kind of scary.
One more thing to think about, included in the package were some informational brochures and one insert that invites all mommies to grow strong with their babies: "it's never to early to teach the ABC's of a healthy lifestyle-including making nutrition and exercise a way of life" I thought breast milk was the very best start of life.....maybe I'm wrong :-(.
Yesterday I opened the door while getting ready to take two children to a doctor appointment and saw that we had mail waiting in our box. I also looked down and saw a package below the mail box. Now I love mail. I look forward to it everyday. Sad but true it's one of the highlights of my day. I love the mail but hate bills, love birthday and Christmas cards but cringe over sending them, love solicitations that pertain to my life and have environmental attacks over the ones that don't have anything to do with me and my life at this moment. Oh well, that's me. So back to the package....I looked down and saw a little box on the floor and immediately wanted to know why there was a baby picture on it. Was this box a free box of diapers? Did this box have a free sample of greatness inside? It sure did but to my surprise it was a box of FREE FORMULA! How did I get this? I'm still a bit puzzled over this but somewhere along the line of stuff I filled out somewhere, I was obviously placed on their mailing list and sent this package.
The intro. letter welcomed me and stated that this company makes their formula to give my baby a strong start in life. :) The product container claims that it has DHA and ARA, special nutrients found in breast milk. Now, the container does state that breast milk is recommended, which is placed on there in small print (kind of like the warning on alcoholic beverages). Another thing on the container is this,
"your baby's health depends on carefully following these easy directions. Proper hygiene, handling, and storage are important when preparing infant formula. Powdered infant formulas are not sterile and should not be fed to premature infants or infants who might have immune problems unless directed and supervised by your baby's doctor". Now, I am a bit unaware of formula because I did not use it with my children and I understand that some mommies need to use it, so I am not putting down the use, but I am concerned with this warning. It's kind of scary.
One more thing to think about, included in the package were some informational brochures and one insert that invites all mommies to grow strong with their babies: "it's never to early to teach the ABC's of a healthy lifestyle-including making nutrition and exercise a way of life" I thought breast milk was the very best start of life.....maybe I'm wrong :-(.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

When your away from baby give them a fake Chee Chee (hee hee :-)
I really have to check out this cool chee chee bottle! It looks so great and exactly what every nursing mommy (at least me when I was nursing) needs to trick that chee chee baby to taking breastmilk from a bottle. It was a challenge to get my babies to take chee chee milk from a bottle while I was away. I would get sweet reports back from Nana and Grandma that they were good but cried a bit which meant a lot. Eventually when they got older they took it without a problem but it's tricking the infant to take their milk when mama's away.
So I ran into this wonderful looking chee chee, the Adiri bottle, on the Internet a while back and told my BF that I would get her one so that she could try it out once she was pumping. Look at how it smothers the baby like a real chee chee
I'll report back to you once she does to see how great or not it works.
If you have a report on the Adiri bottle let us know.
To the chee chee botella,
I really have to check out this cool chee chee bottle! It looks so great and exactly what every nursing mommy (at least me when I was nursing) needs to trick that chee chee baby to taking breastmilk from a bottle. It was a challenge to get my babies to take chee chee milk from a bottle while I was away. I would get sweet reports back from Nana and Grandma that they were good but cried a bit which meant a lot. Eventually when they got older they took it without a problem but it's tricking the infant to take their milk when mama's away.
So I ran into this wonderful looking chee chee, the Adiri bottle, on the Internet a while back and told my BF that I would get her one so that she could try it out once she was pumping. Look at how it smothers the baby like a real chee chee
I'll report back to you once she does to see how great or not it works.
If you have a report on the Adiri bottle let us know.
To the chee chee botella,
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Diaper Review
Today I received a package of diapers for my friend. We're throwing her a baby shower and one great suggestion was to have a diaper raffle. So in the invitation I suggested to bring a pack of diapers to be entered into a raffle for a spa package. When one of our invites could not make it she sent some diapers and wanted to be placed in the drawing. Too cool. I was asked to open the box to see what was in it by the excited mommy to be.
I was happy to see an assortment of great diapers I had to write to you about. Seventh Generation baby diapers make chlorine free diapers. They're Hypo-allergenic, fragrance and latex free too! Most of all I love what is printed on the packaging "In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations." (From The Great Law of the Iroquois Confederacy)
So on the side label it states the effect of chlorine bleached diapers, which most are made of, and the carcinogenic effects plus environmental and reproductive disorders. The friend who purchased these diapers loves them.
I have to say that Seventh Generation Diapers have my Green stamp of approval. Check them out for a store locator and more information on their products.
Today I received a package of diapers for my friend. We're throwing her a baby shower and one great suggestion was to have a diaper raffle. So in the invitation I suggested to bring a pack of diapers to be entered into a raffle for a spa package. When one of our invites could not make it she sent some diapers and wanted to be placed in the drawing. Too cool. I was asked to open the box to see what was in it by the excited mommy to be.
I was happy to see an assortment of great diapers I had to write to you about. Seventh Generation baby diapers make chlorine free diapers. They're Hypo-allergenic, fragrance and latex free too! Most of all I love what is printed on the packaging "In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations." (From The Great Law of the Iroquois Confederacy)
So on the side label it states the effect of chlorine bleached diapers, which most are made of, and the carcinogenic effects plus environmental and reproductive disorders. The friend who purchased these diapers loves them.
I have to say that Seventh Generation Diapers have my Green stamp of approval. Check them out for a store locator and more information on their products.
Little Monkey in Breech Position!!!!
So I know that I've been a little absent lately but I was hit by the nasty plague! You know that one going around? It's awful! I was first hit with a cold then a cough then the flu, mixed all together and it was horrible. I'm better now though so here I go with what's going on right now in Monkey land.
This week is my best friend's 36Th week of pregnancy. We're (her support team) are getting ready for this new little bundle. I have to admit that I am so excited...kind of like an aunt would be. This is new for me, not that I don't have nephews and nieces of my own but that it's a new road for her and I to go down. She has been there for me with my three little monkeys and now it's my turn and I'm so excited.
Well, this little monkey man (yes, it's a little boy) is in a breech position. This is very new for me because I never experienced this. She has been a bit concerned because she does not want a cesarean, or more like it would be nice for it to be the very last resort. Talking a bit about it to my sister she informed me that her last baby was in a breech position for a while and turned at around 38 weeks. I didn't know this little detail. I eagerly asked her for any advice because she is a "Home Birth Mama" and is very natural, she actually helps me with so much natural advice. She informed me of exercises that my BF can do and also other things her own friend had done. Here is some information and advice my sister gave me for breech babies as she was instructed by her midwife:
1. Take an exercise ball and sit on it with your feet flat on the floor and legs in a 90 degree angle. Sit up straight , resting against a wall and legs slightly opened is optional. This is helpful at opening up your pelvis helping baby with room to move. Lounging or laying down at this point is not okay. Sis said you must always use this ball to sit on. Also using the ball in a cat position , where you're on all fours and then place your upper torso on the ball and back legs on the floor rolling back and forth is recommended to help open up the pelvis.
2. Swimming was another recommendation. Now it's not just swimming that you're doing, you're actually going to do hand stands in the water for five repetitions.
3. Acupuncture was not something she told me but is something that I researched on the net and is supposed to be very effective.
4. Walking and exercise is on the net as well and something a mama should do when her baby is in breech position.
So this is what we've done this week, so far. On Monday we took a Step class and then I watched her get into the pool and do hand stands :) Today we walked on the treadmill and then got back into the pool (this time I went in with her) and she did hand stands while I held her legs up. I even massaged her belly while she was under water...or more like pressed gently down on the baby in the direction he needs to go in. Yeah, not so sure I know what I'm doing but I was just trying to wake him up and help him move while his Mommy was on her hands.
Tomorrow we will do Step again and back to the pool we'll go and Thursday the same thing. She has her Doctor appointment on Thursday so we'll do the best we can until then and on Friday she has her acupuncture appointment.
We're doing the best that we can but if you can recommend anything at all please pass on the knowledge.
So I know that I've been a little absent lately but I was hit by the nasty plague! You know that one going around? It's awful! I was first hit with a cold then a cough then the flu, mixed all together and it was horrible. I'm better now though so here I go with what's going on right now in Monkey land.
This week is my best friend's 36Th week of pregnancy. We're (her support team) are getting ready for this new little bundle. I have to admit that I am so excited...kind of like an aunt would be. This is new for me, not that I don't have nephews and nieces of my own but that it's a new road for her and I to go down. She has been there for me with my three little monkeys and now it's my turn and I'm so excited.
Well, this little monkey man (yes, it's a little boy) is in a breech position. This is very new for me because I never experienced this. She has been a bit concerned because she does not want a cesarean, or more like it would be nice for it to be the very last resort. Talking a bit about it to my sister she informed me that her last baby was in a breech position for a while and turned at around 38 weeks. I didn't know this little detail. I eagerly asked her for any advice because she is a "Home Birth Mama" and is very natural, she actually helps me with so much natural advice. She informed me of exercises that my BF can do and also other things her own friend had done. Here is some information and advice my sister gave me for breech babies as she was instructed by her midwife:
1. Take an exercise ball and sit on it with your feet flat on the floor and legs in a 90 degree angle. Sit up straight , resting against a wall and legs slightly opened is optional. This is helpful at opening up your pelvis helping baby with room to move. Lounging or laying down at this point is not okay. Sis said you must always use this ball to sit on. Also using the ball in a cat position , where you're on all fours and then place your upper torso on the ball and back legs on the floor rolling back and forth is recommended to help open up the pelvis.
2. Swimming was another recommendation. Now it's not just swimming that you're doing, you're actually going to do hand stands in the water for five repetitions.
3. Acupuncture was not something she told me but is something that I researched on the net and is supposed to be very effective.
4. Walking and exercise is on the net as well and something a mama should do when her baby is in breech position.
So this is what we've done this week, so far. On Monday we took a Step class and then I watched her get into the pool and do hand stands :) Today we walked on the treadmill and then got back into the pool (this time I went in with her) and she did hand stands while I held her legs up. I even massaged her belly while she was under water...or more like pressed gently down on the baby in the direction he needs to go in. Yeah, not so sure I know what I'm doing but I was just trying to wake him up and help him move while his Mommy was on her hands.
Tomorrow we will do Step again and back to the pool we'll go and Thursday the same thing. She has her Doctor appointment on Thursday so we'll do the best we can until then and on Friday she has her acupuncture appointment.
We're doing the best that we can but if you can recommend anything at all please pass on the knowledge.
Sunday, January 14, 2007

I wanted to Cry ....just a little
This has absolutely nothing to do with breastfeeding, postpartum issues, or really mothering at all but I have to share with you that I am so sad. Today the San Diego Chargers, who were picked to win by so many respectful professionals and, of course my husband, LOST. I have to admit that I am usually really busy to pay attention to the games but having a husband who is a die hard San Diego Charger fan I was asked to watch their first play off game while he attended the actual game at the stadium. I did have interest today to watch and pay attention to who would win because the Superbowl is a huge deal and I really wanted to see them go, plus I wanted to avoid a permanent bad mood my husband would have if they lost BUT there's no avoiding it, it's here and it will be a long off season. I do have to admit I wanted them to win because I do love them and anything from my home town.
Well, I have a bottle of beer (Corona) chilling for the hubby and big arms to hug this sad sap when he gets home.
Until next season (it'll be here too soon),
This has absolutely nothing to do with breastfeeding, postpartum issues, or really mothering at all but I have to share with you that I am so sad. Today the San Diego Chargers, who were picked to win by so many respectful professionals and, of course my husband, LOST. I have to admit that I am usually really busy to pay attention to the games but having a husband who is a die hard San Diego Charger fan I was asked to watch their first play off game while he attended the actual game at the stadium. I did have interest today to watch and pay attention to who would win because the Superbowl is a huge deal and I really wanted to see them go, plus I wanted to avoid a permanent bad mood my husband would have if they lost BUT there's no avoiding it, it's here and it will be a long off season. I do have to admit I wanted them to win because I do love them and anything from my home town.
Well, I have a bottle of beer (Corona) chilling for the hubby and big arms to hug this sad sap when he gets home.
Until next season (it'll be here too soon),
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Spread the Breastfeeding Word !!!!
The Office of Minority Health needs our help to spread the word on the benefits of breastfeeding to all women in our country. Research indicates that 72% initiate breastfeeding but only 40% of women are exclusively breastfeeding at three months and 14% are exclusively breastfeeding at the recommended 6 months.
African-American women are at the lowest breastfeeding rates BUT mothers who are socioeconomically disadvantaged, less educated, and younger are low in breastfeeding rates as well, many minority groups fall under this description.
Educate, demonstrate and advocate the importance of breastfeeding and help our sisters gain the strength to make their breastfeeding experience successful!
The Office of Minority Health needs our help to spread the word on the benefits of breastfeeding to all women in our country. Research indicates that 72% initiate breastfeeding but only 40% of women are exclusively breastfeeding at three months and 14% are exclusively breastfeeding at the recommended 6 months.
African-American women are at the lowest breastfeeding rates BUT mothers who are socioeconomically disadvantaged, less educated, and younger are low in breastfeeding rates as well, many minority groups fall under this description.
Educate, demonstrate and advocate the importance of breastfeeding and help our sisters gain the strength to make their breastfeeding experience successful!
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Happy New Year's
Hope you all had a relaxing and wonderful New Year's Eve and Day. My family and I did as we spent the evening at a family party (which I love that the hostest invited all family members including my monkeys). I danced a bit with the hubby and kept telling my daughters to join in and show us some moves with no luck. I also sat for a while with my little monkey man who fell out at around 10PM. As designated driver I was okay with this, I was able to enjoy some family conversation. We were all together to bring in the New Year. I have to admit I was a little amazed that my two girls stayed awake until the big hour and very happy to spend it with them.
New Year's Resolutions are :
1. Make my family first, although I know I already do this I have to remember that my business takes last place and set free the negative feelings that overwhelm me at times. I can do it all but I have to take some time doing it and make sure I take in every minute with my little ones because I can never do it all again.
2. Like always, loose a few pounds and maintain my exercise schedule.
I love feeling healthy and exercising helps me keep up with my busy schedule and energetic kids.
3. I'm going to try hard to keep real and not over do it. I know I want to do it all but have to keep realistic and take on one project at a time and be okay saying "NO".
Cheers to a wonderful 2007! May it go slowly and beautifully.
Hope you all had a relaxing and wonderful New Year's Eve and Day. My family and I did as we spent the evening at a family party (which I love that the hostest invited all family members including my monkeys). I danced a bit with the hubby and kept telling my daughters to join in and show us some moves with no luck. I also sat for a while with my little monkey man who fell out at around 10PM. As designated driver I was okay with this, I was able to enjoy some family conversation. We were all together to bring in the New Year. I have to admit I was a little amazed that my two girls stayed awake until the big hour and very happy to spend it with them.
New Year's Resolutions are :
1. Make my family first, although I know I already do this I have to remember that my business takes last place and set free the negative feelings that overwhelm me at times. I can do it all but I have to take some time doing it and make sure I take in every minute with my little ones because I can never do it all again.
2. Like always, loose a few pounds and maintain my exercise schedule.
I love feeling healthy and exercising helps me keep up with my busy schedule and energetic kids.
3. I'm going to try hard to keep real and not over do it. I know I want to do it all but have to keep realistic and take on one project at a time and be okay saying "NO".
Cheers to a wonderful 2007! May it go slowly and beautifully.
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