Bitter Sweet
Hi everyone! It's been a while since my last post. I apologize for being lost for weeks or more like months at a time. Business has been busy and picking up so I'm usually a little too exhausted to write at times. Today is a great day to catch up and write to you so here I am :-)
Since October I've been working hard and getting into boutiques. I'm up to 7!!! Make sure to check back soon because my retailers link will be updated. I'm grateful that my products are are being received so well and are in beautiful boutiques but the journey has been bitter sweet. I love the work, pressure, goal setting and creating easier pathways to accomplishing all that I have to do BUT I don't always wear every hat comfortably. The hat that fits a bit snug is the sales hat. I'm forcing that baby on the best that I can and making it fit because there is no other head at this moment that I can fit that hat on but mine. I really believe I have to make it work for myself before handing it over to someone else. I need to know the job, force myself into the position so that one day when it is on someone else I'll know and have the experience plus the knowledge for the proper direction.
I've been praying so much for guidance, and especially for confidence. I've been reading and forcing myself to get on the phone and to get into more boutiques somehow. This is the part that kills me the most-cold calling. You wonder how a phone call can be so difficult? I really don't know! Meeting with a potential customer is exciting and I'm very confident when I go to my appointments. I mean I can still get a bit nervous but there's nothing like trying to make a great first impression on the phone with someone who doesn't know you, your business or your products and it's left up to you discussing it all and selling yourself in seconds on the phone to get an appointment. I'm looking forward to the day it doesn't kill me, make me a bit light headed or nauseous after making a simple phone call for my business.
For you who don't know what cold calling is, simply put it's calling up a boutique owner with a scripted spiel and asking for an appointment to show or present your business and products to him or her. I mean it doesn't sound so bad right? Well, I don't like this part and after so much thought my conclusion is that I don't want to hear "NO thanks" or "I don't have the time" or how about "I'm happy with what I carry right now". So here's what I do to get myself over the pain in cold calling and negative thoughts in my head. (I've taken tips from Amber at Babyfabulous. If you're starting up your own business and want to know some great advice, tips and direction then she's the one to read up on). I lay a script out in front of me after I've gone over it a couple times and make sure I feel confident to call and then I do it, I dial my contact and wait for the answer and usually after I get an owner or purchasing agent on the phone I give my spiel and lately I've received those appointments to get in and show my products. Once I'm in I usually get a great response. I do have to say that I've been doing pretty good at it lately even though I still get a little light headed after making calls. I'll make sure to post a write up when the day comes that I don't have side effects after making my phone calls.
until then