Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Bitter Sweet

Hi everyone! It's been a while since my last post. I apologize for being lost for weeks or more like months at a time. Business has been busy and picking up so I'm usually a little too exhausted to write at times. Today is a great day to catch up and write to you so here I am :-)

Since October I've been working hard and getting into boutiques. I'm up to 7!!! Make sure to check back soon because my retailers link will be updated. I'm grateful that my products are are being received so well and are in beautiful boutiques but the journey has been bitter sweet. I love the work, pressure, goal setting and creating easier pathways to accomplishing all that I have to do BUT I don't always wear every hat comfortably. The hat that fits a bit snug is the sales hat. I'm forcing that baby on the best that I can and making it fit because there is no other head at this moment that I can fit that hat on but mine. I really believe I have to make it work for myself before handing it over to someone else. I need to know the job, force myself into the position so that one day when it is on someone else I'll know and have the experience plus the knowledge for the proper direction.

I've been praying so much for guidance, and especially for confidence. I've been reading and forcing myself to get on the phone and to get into more boutiques somehow. This is the part that kills me the most-cold calling. You wonder how a phone call can be so difficult? I really don't know! Meeting with a potential customer is exciting and I'm very confident when I go to my appointments. I mean I can still get a bit nervous but there's nothing like trying to make a great first impression on the phone with someone who doesn't know you, your business or your products and it's left up to you discussing it all and selling yourself in seconds on the phone to get an appointment. I'm looking forward to the day it doesn't kill me, make me a bit light headed or nauseous after making a simple phone call for my business.

For you who don't know what cold calling is, simply put it's calling up a boutique owner with a scripted spiel and asking for an appointment to show or present your business and products to him or her. I mean it doesn't sound so bad right? Well, I don't like this part and after so much thought my conclusion is that I don't want to hear "NO thanks" or "I don't have the time" or how about "I'm happy with what I carry right now". So here's what I do to get myself over the pain in cold calling and negative thoughts in my head. (I've taken tips from Amber at Babyfabulous. If you're starting up your own business and want to know some great advice, tips and direction then she's the one to read up on). I lay a script out in front of me after I've gone over it a couple times and make sure I feel confident to call and then I do it, I dial my contact and wait for the answer and usually after I get an owner or purchasing agent on the phone I give my spiel and lately I've received those appointments to get in and show my products. Once I'm in I usually get a great response. I do have to say that I've been doing pretty good at it lately even though I still get a little light headed after making calls. I'll make sure to post a write up when the day comes that I don't have side effects after making my phone calls.

until then

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The safest choice is clear: Breastfeed your baby whenever possible

I ran into this article taken from the Environmental Working Group (EWG) website on the latest research on toxic chemicals found in the lining of formula packaging. Read more details here.

Liquid infant formula from the top manufacturers is sold in cans lined with a toxic chemical linked to reproductive disorders and neurobehavioral problems in laboratory animals, according to an investigation by Environmental Working Group (EWG). The chemical is almost as common in the packaging of powdered formula, with 4 of the top 5 companies acknowledging its use.
The chemical is bisphenol A, or BPA, a component of the plastic epoxy resins used to line metal food cans. Dozens of laboratory studies show that BPA affects the developing brain and reproductive systems of animals exposed to low doses during pregnancy and early life.

For a healthier choice, Breastfeed whenever possible. Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for babies. It contains essential fatty acids that help bolster babies’ bodies against the impacts of toxic chemicals. However, there are many reasons why families rely on formula for some or all of their baby’s diet. Seventy percent of babies in the U.S. receive some formula by the time they are 3 months old. These babies need a safe and healthy source of food, and formula should be manufactured in a way that avoids contamination with harmful chemicals. Research breastmilk and why it's best for your baby and you will soon agree that it is the best choice for your baby.

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Trade Show Experience

This last weekend I was able to attend the Mom 2 Be trade show held in Los Angeles at the California Marketplace Center. Being that I've never exhibited at a trade event I contacted the event coordinators and asked if I could walk the event as a future exhibitor. You see, I'm doing my homework. Why you ask? Well, simply put, they cost an arm, a leg plus a head to be in one. It is wise to really do your homework prior to attending not only due to carefully selecting which events to launch and present your products at but also because you want to know all the details that go into displaying your products and brand.

So off I went with my two closest friends (which are also 2 beautiful models I have on my site) in my ever so cool minivan on a road trip to the event. We hit the road in the morning and of course stopped and loaded up on some Java. Some great pastries and interesting conversation was included in that little stop and soon we were back on the road. About an hour later we were in downtown LA and this was very exciting for me being that I've never really been into LA my whole 30 something years of life (ha ha). Getting closer to the trade show my stomach started to get the nervous butterflies fluttering around. I have no idea why I got nervous, maybe it was excitement. I don't feel this emotion too often so it's hard to realize what I'm feeling sometimes. Once we hit the parking garage (which was a pit to hell employed with a million people directing us where to go) we parked my fabulous and ever so cool bus and off we went to the elevator. Once we stepped into the stinky box we realized that it wreaked of stinky feet or french fries...not so sure which it was. The doors opened and it was like a movie. We stepped out into a lobby of glamour and beautiful fashion surrounding us on mannequins and people.
There were beautiful people speaking to each other as if they knew where they were and where they were going. Instantly I was a little confused where to go or really what this place was. Looking up there was about 5-6 floors above and I could only imagine it was loaded with more beautiful fashion and people. I immediately went to the information desk right in front of me and I asked where the Mom 2 Be trade show was being held. The representative told me all the information I needed to know and off we went in search of pregnant mannequins and baby clothes.
Once we reached the trade show desk we met the coordinators of the show which then led us into the showroom where a sea of familiar companies and fantastic displayed products could be seen at every corner. I was literally shocked by the simplicity yet great and elegant way every business chose to display their creations. Excitement and confidence filled me knowing I could do this and possibly do it very well. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be arrogant just simply put, it's one thing seeing an on line presence for these companies but I've been working hard on my presence and my products and I know I'm ready to play with the big boys.
I left the show happy as could be and knew soon this would be a reality for me. Back on the elevator we all went in to the depths of hell back to my little bus and on the road South to San Diego. Taking a detour into to Long Beach we decided to dine at a cute and delicious Persian restaurant where we giggled and talked more with one another. I have to say, it was a much needed little road trip away from reality and a great time with the girls.
~much monkey love,

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Boutique News
Just wanted to let you know that we've been welcomed into two very important boutiques here in San Diego! Sharp Mary Birch's New Beginnings Boutique and Scripp's Mercy Nursing Notions Boutique have officially added us into their family of products that they carry.
We're very thrilled that we're able to highlight these boutiques for you. If you happen to reside in San Diego remember us when you visit a loved one who just delivered a baby at either hospital!
Much Monkey Love

Monday, September 08, 2008

Win a Breastfeeding Package at Supermomz!

Hi Everyone! Happy September and a New school year. Last week was our first week back to school and believe me I was doing the Happy dance the whole week.
We had a nice summer but towards the end of the 11th week I was surely feeling that Mama Monkey needed a break so of course we filled up our last days of summer with the beach, swimming at the pool and picnics at the park. We prepared with some back to school shopping and we were ready for that first day of school. I'm so glad my children get so excited to go to school too and are not over anxious and nervous wrecks like I was back in my good ole monkey days.

On with the Show
Have you had a chance to check out our new site? See anything you may like? Well.....drum roll please...our good friends at are giving away a prize package of our goodies worth $102. Check it out and simply leave a comment to be entered into the contest. Good Luck!

Make sure to check back for links to other giveaways we're sponsoring to get in on all of the fun.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

World Breastfeeding Week
Although it's over it's a constant celebration in my big ole heart. I will remain finding unique celebratory articles, humorous clips and products all on or for breastfeeding in the upcoming weeks. Stay tuned.
Website Update!
It's almost done and here! If you've tried clicking on the website or if you received a newsletter email from Mommy's Little Monkey you probably noticed that some links were down because my genius webmasters are in the process of doing their magic. Check back soon. If you've signed up for our emails then you'll be notified as soon as it happens.
Much Monkey Love

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Happy 5th World Breastfeeding Day!
Pump Pump Away

Today I dedicate my post to the new yet transitioned mother and nurser.

You have breastfeeding down by now. Your baby is on a every two to three hour nursing schedule so you dare to venture out a bit and take small trips to the supermarket or run errands while baby stays asleep with daddy at home. You may tend to receive the occasional hesitation from Daddy and he may comment that the baby needs you and only you plus he does not have the equipment to calm the baby down while you're gone :-)

Never mind all that crazy talk, you have a dual pump you can pump with when you want to. You have to take the little time for yourself when you can and breastfeeding should not be a reason not to be able to do so.
I purchased mine 10 years ago and the healthy work horse is still ticking away. Of course I'm not so sure if I will use it again but I can honestly say that if I ever had the pleasure to need it that it would work hard for me.

The Pump in style is an investment but it is well worth it.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Let's Laugh

Breast Pumping can take a while to get used and tends to make you feel a bit strange but once you see how much you make and that it means you can leave your little monkey for a while, it's all worth it. Dad labs is my funny new find!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Day 4 of World Breastfeeding Week

Breastfeeding Necessities! Okay, so today I'm dedicating my post to new mommies transitioning into motherhood. We have so much to talk about. Having had three of my own children, that I breastfed for 14 months each, I know of many products I love and want to recommend to you.

FIRST Product: There are some products that you just have to have to function after baby is here and especially to just breastfeed easier with. We all were bras, right? So once baby is here you have to get the right bra to breastfeed with. One I absolutely love is the Glamour Mom bra. Love this company and I've been watching them since their launching. Man, how it has grown! So many styles, so many colors and the best thing they just added is their longer lengthen tanks. Love them!!!! If you're wondering why a tank then let me tell you why. The longer length allows you to pick up your shirt while nursing in public and not having your stomach, sides or sensitive marks (A.K.A stretch Marks) revealed. The tank style bra also allows the new mommy to wear anything she wants while nursing meaning you don't have to purchase a whole new wardrobe of nursing clothes and can get back into your pre-pregnancy cute shirts :-)
Need a bra that costs a lot less? Target has a great tank style bra half the price.

SECOND Product: Next thing you may want to get yourself if you feel the need to breastfeed modestly in public, a nursing cover. Of course I have to recommend my own brand but all women are different and feel the need to cover in different ways. If you're looking for a stylish cover that you can wear in different ways then try out The Simple & Sweet Nursing Curtain™. I have a fabulous new website design launching in the next couple of days so check back to see all of my new prints and products.
Back to the Simple and Sweet Nursing Curtain, this nursing cover is so great. I actually designed it with enough fabric to help cover up those post partum spots (stretch marks, left over skin I needed to all get my point). It has a great formable neck ring to check in on your little one while nursing, never compromising your privacy and has a little pocket on the front of the cover to hold all of those little things like breastfeeding pads, toys, pacifiers, you name it. Carry your Simple & Sweet Nursing Curtain in the matching drawstring pouch it comes in, add a couple of diapers and some wipes and off you go ready for a while without a bulky diaper bag.

Third Product: Breast Shields. I have to admit it took me a while to get this one down. I hated using disposable pads because of environmental reasons but I hated washing cloth breast pads and lost them all of the time or they leaked on me. I was what you would call a leaker. I leaked all the time. There is nothing like being out and about running after your toddler (s) and holding your newborn, finding a place to nurse and then....oh no I'm wet. Let's just say a leaked nursing bra = wet shirt = embarrassment= back home! So let me share a new product with you that I just purchased for a friend. Lilypadz reusable breast pads. They eliminate leaking even while you sleep, this is a huge plus for me. Once I bought them I have to admit I was a little jealous because I wanted to try them out. I have no baby at this moment to try them out myself but the feedback I received from my friend who is mother leaker says they're great and loves them! So I'll give them an A+.
So those are some great necessities you may chooses to use during your breastfeeding experience. Hope you find my suggestions of some use.

Happy Breastfeeding Week Day 3

While searching for some great breastfeeding topics the other night, I came across some funny short clips by Dadlabs at This is a hilarious clip obviously over dramatised by men. Maybe just a little bit?

If you have a problem viewing it then link directly here.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Happy 2ND Day Of World Breastfeeding Week!

The second day of celebration and I want to talk to all of those mommies in their third trimester getting ready to nest and get that hospital recovery plan together.

Now, by this time you're pretty sure what you're feeling on the subject of caring for baby. You've been practicing this whole time you've been pregnant whether it's exercising and watching everything that goes into your mouth or maybe you've been scrap booking every photo of your growing belly to the ultrasound photos they hand you. Whatever you've been doing to take care of yourself and the details of your pregnancy, you've been connecting with that baby growing in your womb.
You know what time is the most active time of day for your baby. You know what triggers activity from your little one, maybe after eating or right after exercising. You know when they may get their daily bat of the hiccups and you know just how to get them to move in you...maybe pushing down on your belly in a specific location to get them to kick. You may love to talk or sing to your little one and about now you're starting to know exactly what you want your birth plan to be but what about your recovery plan while in the hospital. You have an idea that you may want to breastfeed although you may know that it may be a challenge but you're going to give it your best. So let me suggest not only a birth plan but also a recovery plan for you to succeed at your breastfeeding goal.

A birth plan is the plan for your labor. Usually the rules you want the hospital staff to carry out during your labor. It is a plan communicated to your birthing team prior to labor because once there and in labor let's just say it's an experience we've never experienced and never will forget. Discussing the plan with your partner is a must. Some will decide to go natural as long as they can, some may decide only natural no matter what and have their partner there working hard through each contraction. Some women have decided that as soon as the first contraction hits they have to get right to the hospital and be medicated yet others may have no choice and have a cesarean planned due to positioning of their baby or complications. Whatever your plan may be remember that the plan does not stop there. What is your recovery pan?
A recovery plan is when your recovering post partum. Have you thought out if you will breastfeed once baby is delivered or will you wait until you have privacy in your recovery room? Will you allow your baby to be taken to the nursery so that you can rest or will the baby be right by your side while you recover? Will your partner stay with you in your room to transition through it all with you plus be there when you have to go to the bathroom, shower or if you're unable to get up right away to attend to the baby? Will your baby be circumcised and if he is will your partner be accompanying him? This is what goes into the recovery plan. It may be a lot to think about but they are little details that will help you to succeed at breastfeeding and transitioning.

You may have your mind set on breastfeeding but so much changes when other factors set in like a screaming baby that freaks you out. Yes, that's what happened with me. A screaming baby that needs some sort of consoling but you have no idea what to do. Yes, that also happened to me. A screaming baby that causes your nurse to ask if she can take the baby for an hour or so into the nursery so that you can get some rest. Yes, that also happened to me. So I got some rest and 8 hours later I woke up rested with my baby still in the nursery on a full belly of formula. This takes me to my next point, your recovery plan will allow all staff to know exactly what your intend for your baby. Practices unfriendly to breastfeeding are a fact and it happens everyday. Unfriendly practices means hospital staff feeding babies formula, sugar water and water supplements while in their care just to calm the baby down occurs everyday without consent from the new mother. According to the
article written by the CDC (centered for disease control and prevention) on U.S. hospitals, most of them don't do very well when it comes to promoting breastfeeding.

Shameless Plug: This happened to me too. I had my plan. I was a first time mother but I knew that I was going to breastfeed. Once the baby was here though, I was very uncertain of what to do that first night in the hospital. I took advice from my nurse to have my baby placed in the nursery so that I could get rest after a 24 hour labor and woke up 8 hours later to a baby away in the nursery, very deep in sleep with a full belly of formula. I could post another blog entry on how that made me feel so I'll share what that inspired me to create, The Note to Nurse set.

Recovery Suggestion:
1.Get both plans ready

2.Be well prepared
3.Have your knowledge ready and take advantage of the Lactation consultant available for you.
4.Be prepared to tell your visitors to exit your room if you have to nurse and practice latching on and off those first few nursings in the hospital.
5.Take some books with you to read on postnatal care and especially breastfeeding.

6.Be prepared to rest with your baby and accept the pampering you'll receive from all who love you.
7. Last but not least, have a
Note to Nurse set ready to place on baby after their first bath :-)

Thursday, July 31, 2008

(Lena and Breast by Terri Frank)

Happy Breastfeeding Week!!!!!!

Today marks the first day of world breastfeeding week!!!!! I'm in the mood to do a happy dance and celebrate. So excuse me as I do a little fancy footwork........okay, back in my chair.

Although I am no longer breastfeeding I am a happy advocate and fully support the movement. So this is how I'm celebrating this week: I'm going to bring you a bit of awareness each and every day. Great products, books, links & articles plus supplies that help the movement in every little way they can and do.

So on with the show!

DAY 1 Today I am writing to all those Mamas that have just found out they are about to have a little monkey of their own! What to do? What to do? There is so much to do!!

First, I hope that you've met your Doctor. Second, you should have a pile of paper, books and pamphlets that every health professional in the OBGYN's office could possibly load you up with. Well, start reading it. Third, let us get on the subject of BREASTFEEDING!!!! Here are some books to get you edumacated on the subject :-) (Man is my spelling check going to hate that word).

1. The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding because "babies are meant to breastfed" by the founding mamas of La Leche League. A really nice, informative and supportive book for all new mothers seeking knowledge and answers to breastfeeding and also childbirth.

2. Although this is a movie it's a must see with natural living and birthing choices plus they do talk about breastfeeding- The Business of Being Born! Loved it! I cried, laughed, got a bit angry yet rejoiced and felt so proud to be a woman after watching it. A Must see!

3. New Mother's Guide to Breastfeeding by Joan Younger Meek with Sherill Tippens. Great book with an Anatomy break down and great advice on caring for yoourself in the early days after baby arrives plus more.

4. Happy, Healthy Moms and Babies A Lactations Consultant's advice for Breastfeeding during your hospital stay by Rose deVigne-Jackiewicz. Now, I had the pleasure of being consulted by Rose after the birth of my first baby. After running into her a while back she mentioned that she wrote her own book and I had to get it. After reading it I do have to recommend this book because it is so great. Tips like taking your breastfeeding plan with you to the hospital, keeping baby with you at all times during recovery plus latch and positioning baby on breast are emphasized in the book. Get it and take it with you to the hospital to read while recovering next to your baby.

So that's my post for today. There's some breastfeeding knowledge for you.

Stay tuned for DAY 2!!!!


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thumb update

We recently went for our 6 month dental check ups. Everything checked off perfect for all three little monkeys and myself. Our appointment was followed by an orthodontic consultation for both Princess Monkeys and that's where we ran into some dental craze.
Princess Monkey Mia has a tiny bit of overcrowding. Nothing unexpected coming from a family of snaggle toothed crowded mouths (yes, I admit my genetic code will take the credit for that). Princess Monkey Nina on the other hand has the same overcrowding BUT she also has a sucked in upper jaw and a severe cross bite or something like that's caused by her thumb sucking. The doctor informed me if we didn't get her to stop she would eventually have to have an operation. UGH! This thumb sucking is so hard to break. I did have the doctor help me this time though. I mean why not use a total stranger to Princess Monkey Nina to explain to her what could happen if she didn't stop (even if I made him lie a bit). In fact the thumb sucking fiend has actually been a bit better and has been working with me because of what I asked the doctor to tell her. So what were the magic words? I made the doctor explain to her that she had to stop or her face would fall off. So far so good.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mother Earths RAW Minerals

I've never really been into make up. In fact the only necessity I have really ever had is my eyebrow pencil (of course, I hardly have eyebrows) and my eyeliner (to help fill in the eyelash line). Foundation is something I have probably worn on a handful of occasions including my prom, wedding day and possibly a couple of other events I've attended with my hubby.
Well, reaching my wonderful thirties really opened my eyes to the changes in my skin. I'm sure some of you know these changes like the ever so wonderful crow's feet, liver spots, deep skin acne and dry patches. UGH!#$%^ Believe me if you ever spoke to me you would hear only positive things on aging. I refuse to speak harshly on the subject because it's going to happen to every one of us and we need to accept all that comes with it UNTIL I saw myself starting to do it. So when I researched foundations to help cover up some of the stuff sent from God on my face, I hesitated to wear liquid foundation. I wanted natural, non- clogging, earth friendly and natural make up. Also the requirement had to be that it contained no harsh chemicals and because I have a cancer phobia it had to be non carcinogenic. I FOUND IT!
Raw Minerals all natural make up covers my blemished complexion, hides the liver spots (the small ones I'm starting to get), and helps hide the small crow's feet I know are there. What's even better is that it's lightweight and feels like you have absolutely nothing on your face. It's very affordable and the line in extending everyday with foundation powders, eye shadows, blush and more. Yes, I know you've heard of mineral make up but do the ones you know of contain Bismuth? Well, this company makes their mineral make up without Bismuth which is known to irritate the skin. They have a tutorial as well for those of you hesitant to try mineral make up because of the application.
Check it out.


PS The company gives away gift packages every month....Register to win some great make up!

Summer update
Well, I'm officially insane! 4 Weeks down and 8 to go until school starts again. The Monkeys have been sick with some wacky virus that kept us in doors for a week and a half so that didn't help out one bit. This week they're feeling better and up to getting out.
~Insane Mom

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Summer is Here!!!!
Today was the last day of school. I officially have the kids home for the next 12 weeks (3 months).
I'll keep you posted on my insanity :-}
~Sane Mommy (at this moment)
Change is Coming
Mommy's Little Monkey is due for a face lift and will receive one very soon!!! We've been working extra hard on the new changes. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Thumb Addiction
When my little monkey princess~Nina was born there were a couple of indications she would probably suck her precious little thumb. Actually, I guess the first one came before she was born. Her ultrasound showed her peacefully sucking her thumb in womb. Once born, she was a pro nurser. Immediately she went straight to the breast and was very ready to nurse or pacify. This was a very different experience from our first Monkey Princess~Mia.
Princess Monkey~Nina was calm and very peaceful mostly all of the time but even more so if she was nursing or sucking on her hands until she found her thumb at about 2-3 months old and from then on that's what she always preferred in her mouth (of course other than her nursing tool).
Monkey Princess~Nina will turn 6 soon and the habit that was once so cute and photo worthy has turned to not so cute and forget photos if she's caught with it in her mouth. It just has to stop. You see, I never had problems with Monkey Princess~Nina sucking her thumb. Not when we recently witnessed her permanent teeth start to come in a bit crooked or even when I gave her a manicure making sure to skip the thumb that has flattened and widened over time knowing if I paint it it will scrape off in a day or two. I did however get very bothered once we started trying to quit. I realized what an addiction and small problem she has that will need much motivation, diligence and bribery to attack.
The first night we tried to quit cold turkey, and this was a mutual agreement with a bit of a bribe attached, she had a panic attack/temper tantrum. She literally kicked and screamed on the floor until she got it out of her system then I invited to hold and lay with her on the couch until she fell asleep. The next night was a bit better and then the next better than the night before the previous one but then I went to my best friends home to visit about 5 days into the quitting and did not put her to sleep as I routinely had been doing so and it messed up our achievement causing her to relapse and go back to the dirty little habit. We've been trying but as you can see inconsistency really has hurt our goal. Back to the start and trying over again. Tonight she cries (more like whines) wanting to suck her thumb as I wait patiently for time to go by to see if she can put herself to sleep without her not so little thumb. As I end this I hear nothing in the distance....I think she has conquered our first night again. Much better this time.
Any suggestions?

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Monkey Man Update: Popcorn Kernel in your where???

I believe that someone should invent a device of some sort that would allow all mommies and daddies to extract the unpopped kernels in a microwave bag of popcorn. Wondering why I even mention this? Well, because I have three little monkeys that LOVE popcorn! They also love the unpopped kernels. They love to suck the salt off the unpopped kernels, chomp on the unpopped kernels and recently my little monkey man decided he loved to stick them up his nose and in his ear!
Yes, he actually stuck one up his nose but luckily he was able to blow it out.....the one in his ear he was not so lucky with. Yes, if you follow along with this blog then you would know that little monkey man is a mischievous, curious and a very active little monkey. He just so happened to be a little too curious and stuck one in his ear which led us to the Emergency room then led us to surgery..........I know he has fed his curiosity with popcorn kernels and has recently mentioned that they do not belong in the ear or the nose.
Glad to know that probably will not happen again considering what he had to go through to get it out.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Goal Update!
Well, I wrote to you letting you know that I had a goal for the month of April and that was to add a boutique to my retailers list. Well, guess what? I did!!!
Champagne Taste, a sweet boutique with a very kind owner, Andrea, is a place I've been hoping would make Mommy's Little Monkey a part of their shop and has done just that, made The Simple & Sweet Nursing Curtain a little sweet home. For anyone in the San Diego area wanting to do some very cute and quality shopping for your little monkey you must check out Andrea's shop, Champagne Taste where you can find Eco friendly candles, lotions and potions, baby clothing and great children's books plus more. Champagne Taste is located at 2248 30Th St. San Diego, CA 92104
(619) 234-3585‎
Quote of the day
"Imagine that the world had invented a new "dream product" to feed and immunize everyone born on Earth. Imagine also that it was available everywhere, required no storage or delivery -- and helped mothers to plan their families and reduce the risk of cancer. Then imagine that the world refused to use it." -Margaret Porter

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Red Box
I Have to share this great new Red find with you! Red Box. Let me tell you what it is, it's a red box (yes, literally a red box) with movies you can rent inside of it. They're located in several different places and they hold current and fun movies you've been wanting to watch. The way you use it is just press the "rent a DVD" touch screen option and choose the movie you want, check out with a easy touch screen option, pay with your debit or credit card and whalah you have a movie rental for just $1.00 for one night. Return it by 9PM the next evening and you're good to go but go over the 9PM time frame and you're charged another $1.00 fee. If you should want to keep the movie the Red Box company will charge you everyday for 25 days maximum and it's yours to keep. Genius! No lines so far, no one to hassle you or ask you questions you just go, choose, pay and return the next day.

Saturday, April 05, 2008

March Update
Let me catch you up on what I've been doing the last month and a half. Let's start on my personal side first. Well, I've had a little monkey man accident about every two weeks. 1 Broken shower faucet, 1 clogged toilet which he chose to clog with a plastic bottle cap, a clogged sink which he chose to play with the faucet water stopper (whatever they're called) a couple of times too many and then it broke off so off to the hardware store we went to buy a drain stopper and then he took that off and stuck one of his sisters barrettes down the drain. Up until today nothing had really be destroyed by monkey man for about a week but then he came into the house with a broken light bulb that he mentioned he just so happened to be trying to help me screw it on tighter but he actually unscrewed it causing it to fall off my sewing machine and break. Ugh! The RULES lecture has come up a million times in that last month in my house.
Spring break has passed and it was relaxing and nice to spend time with my little monkeys. Monkey man is on a three week break from preschool (looking forward to that starting back up) and of course Easter came and I was able to spend a very nice time with our family.
On the business side of things I landed an account with a W.I.C. office here in town! That's a great and wonderful step for my business. I've been working hard planning, organizing and getting ready to update my website and change out my nursing cover fabric and need to add baby tees plus I'm getting myself mentally prepared to get out into more stores. Which brings me to a little vulnerable subject to share with you......I am terrified of approaching stores! Why you ask? Well, I don't know why exactly but after reflecting on this subject I'm assuming is that big ole rejection factor I personally hate and am fearful of. So, knowing I need to do it no matter what and trying to gain knowledge on the whole subject I went to my good and knowledgeable friend, Google, and he led me to so much information on cold calling and business approaching. I found a wonderful and to my surprise a local business that blogs about her business experience and after reading it for a while I was in tears! Yeah, I'm an emotional wreck at times but Amber of Baby Fabulous hit all of my fears, excitement and struggles of creating a business from scratch and bringing it to fruition on the nail. I can create, I can organize, package, and have details in order but sales.....let's just say I'm terrified of it. I love her blog and she is such an inspiration and has honestly motivated me. I wrote to Amber hoping to meet her someday.
My goal for April, which I will blog to you about and work on, is to make it into 1-2 new boutiques. Cross your fingers, your toes and say a little prayer for me while I do this and I'll keep you posted.
Talk to you soon,

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Big Apple Moms Encouraged to Breastfeed for 6 Months
New york City's Mayor Bloomberg is launching a multimillion-dollar good-parenting campaign that includes a push to put more newborns to the breast. The city is spending more than 2 million to encourage mommies to nurse for up to six months where at this point 75% start to breastfeed and 38% stop before 6 months.
The campaign will really help turn New York's hospitals into baby friendly hospitals where they will not encourage formula feeding or automatically give away formula filled diaper bags and information. Two new programs will ride the campaign to help low income mothers providing health workers to check up on the new mothers and another where health workers visit families every two weeks up to two years.
This should be something we all tune into to see how it works and if the rates increase with this great campaign.

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Hope you're day has been wonderful and full of love! Mine has been full of Valentine's for the kids, cookies, candy, parties that were full of cookies, candy and sugar, plus a ton of cards...oh and did I mention candy? With three kids a valentine's day is sure to promise cavities :-)

I did get the best card from my gorilla hubby though. I had to share it with you because I love it and promise to keep if forever......oh gosh I'm such a mess. Just in case I did a horrible job photographing it, it's a photo of king Kong in boxers.
Have a great night!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Hello Again
I hope you had a wonderful holiday and New Year's.
So I'm back into the swing of everything and it's been a little hard getting in the groove. Christmas vacation was wonderful. Sleeping in, baking and relaxing with the kids was very nice. We did have a lot of running around to do though too. Last minute shopping, wrapping and gifting made our vacation a little hectic but it's all over now and I look forward to spring break :-)
We here in San Diego had so much to celebrate with the Chargers going to the Playoffs the last couple of weeks. The whole city was really in the spirit. I Just happened to go downtown this last Friday evening and many building were decorated with lightning bolts and Charger signs. It was too exciting! My Gorilla hubby went downtown for all of the festivities on Friday morning and had a great time too! To make it even better he won a autographed L.T jersey in a contest. He even made it on the evening news because of it. Let's skip the sad lost though and go on to the next subject.......
Babies, babies, babies!!!!!! It seems that there is a baby boomlet going on in the United States. The rates are the highest since 1961. Reports state that the expected number of children a woman is to have in her lifetime is 2.1 compared to other countries at 1.3 per woman . The Rise has been blamed on a larger population and an increase in Hispanics! We're having all the babies according to the CDC. Hispanics have a higher fertility rate, about 40% higher but I will agree with the experts that middle America just has a more favorable out look on family and children in general. As for me and the surrounding women in my life, we're all averaging three children each with the exception of a couple that have more than three. I do have to agree with Nan Marie Astone, associate professor of population, that "Americans like children. We are the only people who respond to prosperity by saying, `Let's have another kid,"'.
Love That!
Until next time