Day 4 of World Breastfeeding Week
Breastfeeding Necessities! Okay, so today I'm dedicating my post to new mommies transitioning into motherhood. We have so much to talk about. Having had three of my own children, that I breastfed for 14 months each, I know of many products I love and want to recommend to you.
FIRST Product: There are some products that you just have to have to function after baby is here and especially to just breastfeed easier with. We all were bras, right? So once baby is here you have to get the right bra to breastfeed with. One I absolutely love is the Glamour Mom bra. Love this company and I've been watching them since their launching. Man, how it has grown! So many styles, so many colors and the best thing they just added is their longer lengthen tanks. Love them!!!! If you're wondering why a tank then let me tell you why. The longer length allows you to pick up your shirt while nursing in public and not having your stomach, sides or sensitive marks (A.K.A stretch Marks) revealed. The tank style bra also allows the new mommy to wear anything she wants while nursing meaning you don't have to purchase a whole new wardrobe of nursing clothes and can get back into your pre-pregnancy cute shirts :-)
Need a bra that costs a lot less? Target has a great tank style bra half the price.
Need a bra that costs a lot less? Target has a great tank style bra half the price.
SECOND Product: Next thing you may want to get yourself if you feel the need to breastfeed modestly in public, a nursing cover. Of course I have to recommend my own brand but all women are different and feel the need to cover in different ways. If you're looking for a stylish cover that you can wear in different ways then try out The Simple & Sweet Nursing Curtain™. I have a fabulous new website design launching in the next couple of days so check back to see all of my new prints and products.
Back to the Simple and Sweet Nursing Curtain, this nursing cover is so great. I actually designed it with enough fabric to help cover up those post partum spots (stretch marks, left over skin I needed to loose...you all get my point). It has a great formable neck ring to check in on your little one while nursing, never compromising your privacy and has a little pocket on the front of the cover to hold all of those little things like breastfeeding pads, toys, pacifiers, you name it. Carry your Simple & Sweet Nursing Curtain in the matching drawstring pouch it comes in, add a couple of diapers and some wipes and off you go ready for a while without a bulky diaper bag.
Third Product: Breast Shields. I have to admit it took me a while to get this one down. I hated using disposable pads because of environmental reasons but I hated washing cloth breast pads and lost them all of the time or they leaked on me. I was what you would call a leaker. I leaked all the time. There is nothing like being out and about running after your toddler (s) and holding your newborn, finding a place to nurse and then....oh no I'm wet. Let's just say a leaked nursing bra = wet shirt = embarrassment= back home! So let me share a new product with you that I just purchased for a friend. Lilypadz reusable breast pads. They eliminate leaking even while you sleep, this is a huge plus for me. Once I bought them I have to admit I was a little jealous because I wanted to try them out. I have no baby at this moment to try them out myself but the feedback I received from my friend who is mother leaker says they're great and loves them! So I'll give them an A+.
So those are some great necessities you may chooses to use during your breastfeeding experience. Hope you find my suggestions of some use.
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