The Worst Day Of My Life (So Far)!!!!!!!!!
Well, I hope it's the last worst day I ever have because last Friday was pretty horrible. I had my three wonderful, sleep deprived (due to summer), cranky, little monkeys with me last Friday...where else would they be? I like to call all three of them my purse...you always have it with you and never leave a place without it.haha.
Anyways, As some of you know or have read, I have my own business and I do some of my manufacturing at my parents home so I went over to do some work. It was about 12:30 pm when we got there and naturally my children headed for their swimsuits to go into the pool but having a little attitude with me and each other I decided that they would take their naps and then when they woke up they would go swimming. Up the stairs they climbed, each one very irritated with me. With each step they took they were a little more whinny and unbearable to hear. With each step I took the more I wanted them to go to sleep, no getting out of it, not this time. So I told them to lay down and I placed them in their spots and out the door I went.
I sat there talking to my mom for a bit and then it started...The giggles and the laughing. My mom naturally went in and told them to go to sleep, you know, the way grandma's do. Then we went back to talking and she was distracted by the fact that she needed to take in her vacuum cleaner to get serviced because she was headed out of town the next week and it had to get done. So I went off to do my thing and then I heard the giggles and laughing again, so I yelled to the kids to get to sleep. Now, I was just down the hall from them. They could hear me and I them. They became quiet for a minute so I went back to my work.
My mom was getting ready to leave and asked me if she should take one of the kids with her to the vacuum place. The thought went through my mind and I quickly said "No, it's okay, they all need their rest. They've been staying up a little late so I want them to nap for a while then they'll get up and play in the pool." Off she went and in I went into their room and told my oldest(Mia-7 yrs.)to get on the trundle bed and let my younger ones(Nina-4yrs. and Sevy-2yrs.)sleep on the top day bed.
I left the room serious and a bit annoyed. They knew I meant business.....Yeah right. I went on with my work and about 10 minutes later in came Mia telling me "Mom, Sevy is outside" very calmly. I looked at her a little confused. I just thought Sevy sneaked by in the hallway and walked down the stairs into the backyard. Naturally I was concerned because my parents have a pool. I walked out of the room I was in and glanced down the hall where Nina was kneeling on the bed and looking out the window. Nina turned her head and gently said "Mommy, Sevy fell out the window". Okay, now this is where I freaked out! I can't even count how many times I said Oh My God, Shi% and F%$# (not the normal language I use!). I naturally screamed and ran down the stairs, out the back door and glanced at Mia who was leading me. I ran around the corner which led me to Sevy listening for any words, cries,or screams but there was nothing. I thought the worse...Yes I thought he may have been dead. (Oh...I'm all teared up again)
Sevy lay there on his stomach, his face lay to the side and blood was puddled around his head and dripped from his little mouth. His eyes were opened but he wasn't looking anywhere, just straight ahead. I screamed frantically while glancing at Mia then back at Sevy. I didn't know what to do. I yelled at Mia to go call 911 then I heard Sevy groan and then it turned into a cry. At that very second I was reassured that he was alive. Everything was going so fast. I bent down to ask Sevy if I could pick him up...What was my baby supposed to say? No? He had no ability to pick himself up, limp as a noodle I picked him up and placed his bleeding head on my shoulder. I carefully rushed over to Mia who had the phone in her hand but she panicked and didn't know how to use it. I grabbed it from her and pressed TALK. Quickly I was connected to the 911 dispatcher and he calmed me and helped me through it all.
The whole emergency crew got there very fast and assessed Sevy. I was asked questions a couple of times by different people and the police took my daughters over to the side to question them as well. This never made me nervous as some asked me or shared with me in their past experiences. I knew I was the responsible party and if I was liable for his fall then so be it. I felt so horrible I wanted to just die. Imagine watching your baby lay there screaming. I know it was an accident but man did I feel like a really bad Mom.
I called my parents and my mother in law to come and help me with the girls. I didn't want to leave them alone with the police but I couldn't let Sevy go to the hospital alone either. My mother in law reassured me that she was on her way. I called my husband and..well...let's just say I could write a whole other blog entry on this one. He panicked but was okay when he met us at the hospital. I said goodbye to the girls and I went outside into the ambulance. Before I was allowed to go in I was asked to clean myself up with some wipes they carry with them. I realized I was covered in my babies blood and I broke down crying. I was a mess..There's some more crap to add to my therapy list!
Sevy ended up being fine, THANK GOD!!!. He ended up with three staples on his head and a hematoma that still hasn't gone away (6 days later). He also bit his tongue pretty good (The source of blood in his mouth which I thought may have been internal bleeding)but it's okay now. The nurse at Children's Hospital told me it happens a lot and that the child that had our room 20 minutes before us was air lifted to the hospital for the same exact thing. She was bandaged up and sent home fine.
Could this whole situation been prevented? Well, I'm a bit done beating myself up but I know now that opened windows and children don't mix...No matter what! A quarter of the bed was placed by the window which I left open because of the warm weather. It was hot in the room and Mia had even come out of the room once telling me it was hot in there. Naturally I felt for a second that I should close the window but I fought my feelings and thought that I was silly and to left it open.
I write this to share with you and to also reach out to anyone who has been tempted lately in this heat to leave their windows open while children are around. The memory keeps playing in my mind. It's the worse thing I've ever experienced and never want to go through it again. By the way, this picture was taken two day s later...he's okay!
Oh my goodness.... THANK GOD he's okay... I'm just shaking with the thought of it.
ReplyDeleteYou're so right... it is way too easy for kids to fall out of windows. I have been worried about it all summer. My friend's husband is a fireman and recently had two calls from kids who fell out of windows. I don't think they were as lucky as yours.
Thank you for sharing. We all need reminders.
Praise the Lord that your child is okay.