Monday, August 07, 2006


I absolutely love, love, love this topic. It is so close to my heart and is the reason I went into business. Many see the romantic version of breastfeeding on TV or in the movies. Mommies, is there anything physically romantic or painless the first couple of weeks in breastfeeding?
I understand that most books and specialists believe that breastfeeding is not supposed to be challenging or a problem BUT for me, and I have had 3 children so far, I have found it to be challenging each and every time. No time too different than the other, well other than the changing sizes of my children's mouths, but each time similar transitioning, similar scabbing and bleeding (not too much of this), similar engorgement, similar curling of my toes at each latching of my babies mouth, similar feeling of wanting to quit and similar count down each and every day telling myself I can do it and that one more day has passed.
Now, I do not want to discourage expectant mommies from breastfeeding, it's the best thing for you and especially for your baby. I want to reach out to expecting mommies and inform them of what may come ahead and also to inform them of what they can do to succeed. I want to address challenges and some pointers on overcoming them so that women that are expecting or breastfeeding mommies that seek support through reading this blog may gain this support and strength. I encourage women who want to help and share to please send in your comments and I will post them so that other mommies may gain this support and read your tips.
First, read, read, read! Yes, I know breastfeeding is so natural. We are designed to breastfeed. Many think that just being natural and just doing it is what you should just do, but there are women who need to read and want direction and to understand every step of the way.
Remember to ask your lactation consultant questions in the hospital! I delivered at two different hospitals and each one had lactation consultants available to answer my questions and to teach me proper latch on techniques. The hospital also gave me a hand held breast pump. Make sure to utilize this service.
Get support! A breastfeeding class or support group like La Leche League (you can find their info. at my links) is very important as well. When you are going through something that you have not read about, a leader may be able to help you and lead you in the right direction.
Invest in a lactation consultation. If you are very determined to breastfeed and find it challenging in the beginning then investing in a lactation consultation can be very satisfying. A certified lactation consultant will give you her undivided attention and answer all of your questions.
Always remember that your situation is very unique. What works for other women may not work for you. Do not panic and relax. Read and write down any questions and when your baby gets here write down any new questions you may have. Utilize your hospital lactation consultations. Always have the La Leche League leaders, women relatives or friends who have or are breastfeeding phone numbers ready, you may need help while transitioning at home.
I will continue on this special topic.

Happy Nursing your little monkey and Happy transitioning to your new life,
Evie Ballesteros

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:51 AM

    THANK YOU!!! I have two children so far and had always planned to breastfeed, no question. My first son was born four weeks early and was not able to nurse at first so I had to pump. Again, no question that I would do it, but that was not an easy way to start my nursing "career". It was very painful, but I thought, "If I can just keep this up until he's out of the NICU, we'll figure this out." Well, it took three weeks, but FINALLY he latched on and didn't look back until he was 11 months old.

    HOWEVER, I did have some problems with cracked, sore, and bleeding nipples and I suffered through a bout of Mastisis with each child. I got angry that I had been told, "If it hurts you're not doing it right." That isn't true at all!! I wasn't doing anything wrong, but I now understood why so many of my friends and contemporaries gave up so soon!!

    People, nursing MIGHT hurt or be uncomfortable at times even when done correctly. So please, don't give up!! It is such a wonderful thing to do for your children and it is worth the effort, even when it sometimes seems otherwise.

    I just wanted to thank you for writing this. I'm so glad I'm not alone in continuing this important relationship, even with the trials. THIS WAS A WONDERFUL POST TO READ!!
