Lets Get you Ready for the HOSPITAL
Many first time expecting mommies are a little over active in this department...at least I was. I knew a little bit better on baby #2 and was an expert by baby #3! Come to think of it..I absolutely knew nothing with baby #1.
I knew that I was terrified to take my first poop (Oh, I said it! ) in the hospital. (haha :) ) Believe me, it was coming but I didn't want to go, if you know what I mean. I had to open my mouth and share this with the nurse and she made sure to give me a super laxative. I was very concerned though for my baby because I was breastfeeding and they assured me that it would not affect her. So I took it...Naturally. Oh, but I was sure at ease when I went for the first time there. Make sure to tell them you want a laxative once you reach the postpartum recovering floor. This will put you at ease, especially if a nice hemorrhoid is visiting you for a while.
Now, on hemorrhoids!!!!! I didn't get this visit until baby #2. OH MY GOSH!!!! I had a little bit of episiotomy pain, nipples were a bit tender but WOW was my bottom on fire after I pushed out baby #2. I asked the hospital for every medication they had on hemorrhoids. Make sure you ask for this stuff, especially that super cold spray you want to spray down there forever. They will either tell your hubby, partner or family support on what to get you from their pharmacy or supply you with a load of it. Also, take home the sitz bath toilet tub they give you, it will sure come in handy and ease you once you're home. If you don't want to bring up these topics to a nurse or in front of all those visiting relatives that just won't leave you to sleep, then check out natural remedies on the web. One I found that I'm giving every expecting Mama I know with these bugging suckers is Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Balm. This soothing,cooling balm made using an organic olive oil base infused with healing organic herbs is made too help shrink and ease discomfort. They have great products! Organic-that's a plus! You can find them at www.earthmamaangelbaby.com
Episiotomy care Now, my first baby gave me the experience of my oh so nice episiotomy. Little did I know back then how I was supposed to feel. Every time I walked, bent over, reached down,oh and when I laughed or coughed, etc... I felt tugging and pulling on the stitches. Ladies, I'm talking weeks of this! I tried to take it easy but it hurt and bled for days, which lead to weeks, that even lasted me years. Yes, I said years! I had my next child 4 years later and they told me then that my last stitch job was sloppy and bad. How was I supposed to know this? They fixed it forever though. After that episiotomy stitching I healed so fast and never bled again. So now you know that you're not supposed to bleed in the parineum area for years :)! Another great solution to discomfort in the perineum location is your peri bottle from the hospital filled with warm water and your sitz bath. Use this with more products from Earth Mama Angel Baby and you're sure to feel better knowing that you're taking care of your healing body. While on this subject, don't forget those kegels. They bug you a lot on this...or maybe I had a huge kegel remider on my chart because every hospital staffer told me this pointer! So do them. This will help with leakage. Every woman out there that laughs and leaks or goes to step, jumps, etc and leaks knows what I mean! Do Them!
We've all had many years of experience on this subject but not on 6 weeks of it. For me it was very heavy for about 2 weeks and then lightened up around week 3-6. I loved the heavy, extra long cotton pads that they gave me in the hospital. Ask for these, they are wonderful and so absorbing. If you like cotton pads check out any Kotex brand pads, they're wonderful. I switched to these once I had my first baby.
Sore Nipples I had this with every three of my children. I really thought that my tender nipples would turn into rough, elephant skinned nothings and would never feel again..Well I was very wrong. Each breastfeeding experience came with the same sore package. I used nipple covers like Lily Padz from my hospital with baby #3 and WOW was I impressed. My healing time was cut in half with these miracle workers. If you experience scabbing, tenderness, peeling of your skin, then I recommend these types of breast covers. You can check them out and purchase them on Supermomz.com under breastfeeding. Another great thing to have is a Nursing Tank. No Wires!!! (Remember, try to avoid bras with wires due to possible mastitis infections) There are a couple out there that you can get. One that is really popular is Glamour Mom from Supermomz.com or glamourmom.com. They carry a variety of colors and patterns, they even have tank dresses. Too cool. If you're on a budget though, then I recommend In Due Time at Target in the maternity department. These nursing tanks are the greatest thing ever. They're really similar and both cover up your postpartum transitioning stomach and sides (plus they cover up stretch marks). In fact, I really loved the security and added reminder to suck in my gut! Nothing like a physical reminder to suck it in, way better than my mom. I can't leave without mentioning to take your Nursing Curtain with you to the hospital as well! (www.mommyslittlemonkey.com) Remember all of those relatives that will visit and never get the clue to leave, you still have to nurse while they're there and believe me they will be starring while you do your duty.
Well, that's enough on Postpartum Recovery 101. Until next time.
Happy Nursing and especially Happy Transitioning to your New Life,
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