I loved getting home from the hospital. I know that some women want to stay in the hospital, especially if they have to go home and get back into "work" (cleaning, cooking, washing, taking care of other children). I wanted my bed, my baby's newly washed linens, bassinet, clothes and necessities. I wanted peace and quiet and not a nurse waking me up, taking vitals every two hours!
With baby #1 I was able to take naps, which I normally hate to do. I didn't have to worry about cleaning (you know constantly picking up after tiny individuals) because nothing really got dirty. When baby #2 arrived I didn't take very many naps...In fact I rarely napped at all. I came home and sat on the couch and watched my 3 1/2 yr. old hold her new baby sister. I had food delivered to me by relatives and friends for a whole week! This is one of the best baby shower gifts to receive by the way. If you do not receive this as a gift then make sure to plan meals your hubby or support can make. You can also plan ahead and freeze meals so that you can easily pop into the oven or microwave. (I was never this organized)
Make sure to have your own little couch, corner or place set up to nurse and bond with baby. Remember that this is your transitioning time and you need a place to store your nursing articles. I had a nice rocking chair my mother in law purchased for my first baby. It served as a nursing, storing and bonding retreat. It conveniently had storage pockets to carry my breast pads, breast shields, nipple ointment and burp cloths. I knew that I could always depend on my chair to take care of my needs. Later I even place nail clippers in my storage pockets and this was the place my children knew Mommy would groom them.
Make sure to get rest. Take it easy and never feel pressured to accept company,or answer phone calls. This is your time to transition to your new life.
Happy Transitioning to Your New Life,
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
Going Home From the Hospital
If you've already taken your birth class or hospital tour then you probably know that you must have a car seat present when leaving the hospital (Well, in some states)! Each state has their own law but when I went online and researched it a bit it seems that most US states agree: children under the age of 6 must be in a carrier, car seat or booster seat and then after must be in a restraint (seat belt)while riding in a car.
You have to check out Idaho's law though
PASSENGER SAFETY FOR CHILDREN. (1) No noncommercial motor vehicle
operator shall transport a child who is six (6) years of age or younger in a
motor vehicle manufactured with seat belts after January 1, 1966, unless the
child is properly secured in a child safety restraint that meets the
requirements of federal motor vehicle safety standard no. 213.
(2) The provisions of this section shall not apply:
(a) If all of the motor vehicle's seat belts are in use, but in such an
event any unrestrained child to which this section applies shall be placed
in the rear seat of the motor vehicle, if it is so equipped; or
(b) When the child is removed from the car safety restraint and held by
the attendant for the purpose of nursing the child or attending the
child's other immediate physiological needs, What the heck?
Very crazy to me now as a mother but hey it's the way things were when I was a child. I remember playing in the back of my parents station wagon and them yelling at me to stay in one place! They couldn't concentrate or see out the rear view mirrors! haha. Now, I gasp at the thought of children riding in cars without seat belts.
Check out http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov to get information and researched car seats. Check out http://www.buckleupamerica.org//CPS/CSSRating/Index.cfm to get information on your states seat belt laws.
Oh, and don't forget to read the sections on proper installation! They have different locations throughout the nation to help you properly install your childs seat.
Happy Transitioning to your New Life,
If you've already taken your birth class or hospital tour then you probably know that you must have a car seat present when leaving the hospital (Well, in some states)! Each state has their own law but when I went online and researched it a bit it seems that most US states agree: children under the age of 6 must be in a carrier, car seat or booster seat and then after must be in a restraint (seat belt)while riding in a car.
You have to check out Idaho's law though
PASSENGER SAFETY FOR CHILDREN. (1) No noncommercial motor vehicle
operator shall transport a child who is six (6) years of age or younger in a
motor vehicle manufactured with seat belts after January 1, 1966, unless the
child is properly secured in a child safety restraint that meets the
requirements of federal motor vehicle safety standard no. 213.
(2) The provisions of this section shall not apply:
(a) If all of the motor vehicle's seat belts are in use, but in such an
event any unrestrained child to which this section applies shall be placed
in the rear seat of the motor vehicle, if it is so equipped; or
(b) When the child is removed from the car safety restraint and held by
the attendant for the purpose of nursing the child or attending the
child's other immediate physiological needs, What the heck?
Very crazy to me now as a mother but hey it's the way things were when I was a child. I remember playing in the back of my parents station wagon and them yelling at me to stay in one place! They couldn't concentrate or see out the rear view mirrors! haha. Now, I gasp at the thought of children riding in cars without seat belts.
Check out http://www.nhtsa.dot.gov to get information and researched car seats. Check out http://www.buckleupamerica.org//CPS/CSSRating/Index.cfm to get information on your states seat belt laws.
Oh, and don't forget to read the sections on proper installation! They have different locations throughout the nation to help you properly install your childs seat.
Happy Transitioning to your New Life,
Saturday, August 19, 2006
What to Take to the Hospital
If this is your first time having a baby then you may have your mile long list ready. Remember that you will not be there very long but that you may have many visitors. We all want to look, smell and feel our best. So here's my list of what to take to the hospital to achieve all of this.
1. You may take a couple of showers or baths during labor BUT most likely it will be for the relaxing warm water to help through labor pains. Take your favorite shower gel and body lotions for your next shower. If you've been using special products for stretch marks and itching then continue to use them after. Remember when breastfeeding you don't want to use soap on your breasts, this will strip away natural oils needed in this area. Small travel sized shampoo and conditioner will work fine and also take along your comb or brush. Clips and hair ties are a must during labor as well.
2. I've never used too much perfume when close to my newborn because of getting it all over them or causing a reaction with their little nose (sneezing, etc.) You probably don't have to worry about bad odor if you remember to take your arm deodorant and don't forget your toothbrush plus toothpaste. Toothpaste they provide in the hospital is kind of gross but better than nothing. You just labored-the most important thing is to rest.
3. Make-up: It is not likely you'll need much of this. Chapstick is probably a must have during labor so remember to drink water and keep that chapstick near by to avoid chapped lips. Your simple blush, lip gloss (you'll be kissing visitors, your partner and your little one a lot so maybe light or clear shades is the best way to go) and maybe oil controlling or absorbing cloths will work fine. Also, remember you just had a baby, you're probably glowing with beauty anyways.
4. If you wear glasses and contacts forget the contacts all together! Who wants to labor with contacts in? You can fall asleep and then this will lead to headaches later. Just get those good glasses ready. I remember always making sure I shopped for a new pair right after delivering my baby because your eyesight changes slightly when you're pregnant and after it can change again.
5. A good pair of PJ's is a must! I know all women are different but I love built in bra cami's and a pair of cute cotton drawstring bottoms. Two solid color nursing or regular cami's and print bottoms or vice versa plus a little zipped hoodie or cotton sweater works great. Add a pair of comfy slippers and you're good to relax, nurse or even go home in. A cute gown is awesome too. You decide. I always worried about the bunching up and with hemorrhoids who wants to be messing with PJ's bunching up underneath your bottom? UPDATE: Also remember a take home outfit. Something light like cotton capris and a cute shirt or track suit should work fine.
6. Don't forget about baby! This is a whole other bag so I'll touch this later!
Happy Transitioning to your New Life
If this is your first time having a baby then you may have your mile long list ready. Remember that you will not be there very long but that you may have many visitors. We all want to look, smell and feel our best. So here's my list of what to take to the hospital to achieve all of this.
1. You may take a couple of showers or baths during labor BUT most likely it will be for the relaxing warm water to help through labor pains. Take your favorite shower gel and body lotions for your next shower. If you've been using special products for stretch marks and itching then continue to use them after. Remember when breastfeeding you don't want to use soap on your breasts, this will strip away natural oils needed in this area. Small travel sized shampoo and conditioner will work fine and also take along your comb or brush. Clips and hair ties are a must during labor as well.
2. I've never used too much perfume when close to my newborn because of getting it all over them or causing a reaction with their little nose (sneezing, etc.) You probably don't have to worry about bad odor if you remember to take your arm deodorant and don't forget your toothbrush plus toothpaste. Toothpaste they provide in the hospital is kind of gross but better than nothing. You just labored-the most important thing is to rest.
3. Make-up: It is not likely you'll need much of this. Chapstick is probably a must have during labor so remember to drink water and keep that chapstick near by to avoid chapped lips. Your simple blush, lip gloss (you'll be kissing visitors, your partner and your little one a lot so maybe light or clear shades is the best way to go) and maybe oil controlling or absorbing cloths will work fine. Also, remember you just had a baby, you're probably glowing with beauty anyways.
4. If you wear glasses and contacts forget the contacts all together! Who wants to labor with contacts in? You can fall asleep and then this will lead to headaches later. Just get those good glasses ready. I remember always making sure I shopped for a new pair right after delivering my baby because your eyesight changes slightly when you're pregnant and after it can change again.
5. A good pair of PJ's is a must! I know all women are different but I love built in bra cami's and a pair of cute cotton drawstring bottoms. Two solid color nursing or regular cami's and print bottoms or vice versa plus a little zipped hoodie or cotton sweater works great. Add a pair of comfy slippers and you're good to relax, nurse or even go home in. A cute gown is awesome too. You decide. I always worried about the bunching up and with hemorrhoids who wants to be messing with PJ's bunching up underneath your bottom? UPDATE: Also remember a take home outfit. Something light like cotton capris and a cute shirt or track suit should work fine.
6. Don't forget about baby! This is a whole other bag so I'll touch this later!
Happy Transitioning to your New Life
Friday, August 18, 2006
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The Worst Day Of My Life (So Far)!!!!!!!!!
Well, I hope it's the last worst day I ever have because last Friday was pretty horrible. I had my three wonderful, sleep deprived (due to summer), cranky, little monkeys with me last Friday...where else would they be? I like to call all three of them my purse...you always have it with you and never leave a place without it.haha.
Anyways, As some of you know or have read, I have my own business and I do some of my manufacturing at my parents home so I went over to do some work. It was about 12:30 pm when we got there and naturally my children headed for their swimsuits to go into the pool but having a little attitude with me and each other I decided that they would take their naps and then when they woke up they would go swimming. Up the stairs they climbed, each one very irritated with me. With each step they took they were a little more whinny and unbearable to hear. With each step I took the more I wanted them to go to sleep, no getting out of it, not this time. So I told them to lay down and I placed them in their spots and out the door I went.
I sat there talking to my mom for a bit and then it started...The giggles and the laughing. My mom naturally went in and told them to go to sleep, you know, the way grandma's do. Then we went back to talking and she was distracted by the fact that she needed to take in her vacuum cleaner to get serviced because she was headed out of town the next week and it had to get done. So I went off to do my thing and then I heard the giggles and laughing again, so I yelled to the kids to get to sleep. Now, I was just down the hall from them. They could hear me and I them. They became quiet for a minute so I went back to my work.
My mom was getting ready to leave and asked me if she should take one of the kids with her to the vacuum place. The thought went through my mind and I quickly said "No, it's okay, they all need their rest. They've been staying up a little late so I want them to nap for a while then they'll get up and play in the pool." Off she went and in I went into their room and told my oldest(Mia-7 yrs.)to get on the trundle bed and let my younger ones(Nina-4yrs. and Sevy-2yrs.)sleep on the top day bed.
I left the room serious and a bit annoyed. They knew I meant business.....Yeah right. I went on with my work and about 10 minutes later in came Mia telling me "Mom, Sevy is outside" very calmly. I looked at her a little confused. I just thought Sevy sneaked by in the hallway and walked down the stairs into the backyard. Naturally I was concerned because my parents have a pool. I walked out of the room I was in and glanced down the hall where Nina was kneeling on the bed and looking out the window. Nina turned her head and gently said "Mommy, Sevy fell out the window". Okay, now this is where I freaked out! I can't even count how many times I said Oh My God, Shi% and F%$# (not the normal language I use!). I naturally screamed and ran down the stairs, out the back door and glanced at Mia who was leading me. I ran around the corner which led me to Sevy listening for any words, cries,or screams but there was nothing. I thought the worse...Yes I thought he may have been dead. (Oh...I'm all teared up again)
Sevy lay there on his stomach, his face lay to the side and blood was puddled around his head and dripped from his little mouth. His eyes were opened but he wasn't looking anywhere, just straight ahead. I screamed frantically while glancing at Mia then back at Sevy. I didn't know what to do. I yelled at Mia to go call 911 then I heard Sevy groan and then it turned into a cry. At that very second I was reassured that he was alive. Everything was going so fast. I bent down to ask Sevy if I could pick him up...What was my baby supposed to say? No? He had no ability to pick himself up, limp as a noodle I picked him up and placed his bleeding head on my shoulder. I carefully rushed over to Mia who had the phone in her hand but she panicked and didn't know how to use it. I grabbed it from her and pressed TALK. Quickly I was connected to the 911 dispatcher and he calmed me and helped me through it all.
The whole emergency crew got there very fast and assessed Sevy. I was asked questions a couple of times by different people and the police took my daughters over to the side to question them as well. This never made me nervous as some asked me or shared with me in their past experiences. I knew I was the responsible party and if I was liable for his fall then so be it. I felt so horrible I wanted to just die. Imagine watching your baby lay there screaming. I know it was an accident but man did I feel like a really bad Mom.
I called my parents and my mother in law to come and help me with the girls. I didn't want to leave them alone with the police but I couldn't let Sevy go to the hospital alone either. My mother in law reassured me that she was on her way. I called my husband and..well...let's just say I could write a whole other blog entry on this one. He panicked but was okay when he met us at the hospital. I said goodbye to the girls and I went outside into the ambulance. Before I was allowed to go in I was asked to clean myself up with some wipes they carry with them. I realized I was covered in my babies blood and I broke down crying. I was a mess..There's some more crap to add to my therapy list!
Sevy ended up being fine, THANK GOD!!!. He ended up with three staples on his head and a hematoma that still hasn't gone away (6 days later). He also bit his tongue pretty good (The source of blood in his mouth which I thought may have been internal bleeding)but it's okay now. The nurse at Children's Hospital told me it happens a lot and that the child that had our room 20 minutes before us was air lifted to the hospital for the same exact thing. She was bandaged up and sent home fine.
Could this whole situation been prevented? Well, I'm a bit done beating myself up but I know now that opened windows and children don't mix...No matter what! A quarter of the bed was placed by the window which I left open because of the warm weather. It was hot in the room and Mia had even come out of the room once telling me it was hot in there. Naturally I felt for a second that I should close the window but I fought my feelings and thought that I was silly and to left it open.
I write this to share with you and to also reach out to anyone who has been tempted lately in this heat to leave their windows open while children are around. The memory keeps playing in my mind. It's the worse thing I've ever experienced and never want to go through it again. By the way, this picture was taken two day s later...he's okay!
Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Lets Get you Ready for the HOSPITAL
Many first time expecting mommies are a little over active in this department...at least I was. I knew a little bit better on baby #2 and was an expert by baby #3! Come to think of it..I absolutely knew nothing with baby #1.
I knew that I was terrified to take my first poop (Oh, I said it! ) in the hospital. (haha :) ) Believe me, it was coming but I didn't want to go, if you know what I mean. I had to open my mouth and share this with the nurse and she made sure to give me a super laxative. I was very concerned though for my baby because I was breastfeeding and they assured me that it would not affect her. So I took it...Naturally. Oh, but I was sure at ease when I went for the first time there. Make sure to tell them you want a laxative once you reach the postpartum recovering floor. This will put you at ease, especially if a nice hemorrhoid is visiting you for a while.
Now, on hemorrhoids!!!!! I didn't get this visit until baby #2. OH MY GOSH!!!! I had a little bit of episiotomy pain, nipples were a bit tender but WOW was my bottom on fire after I pushed out baby #2. I asked the hospital for every medication they had on hemorrhoids. Make sure you ask for this stuff, especially that super cold spray you want to spray down there forever. They will either tell your hubby, partner or family support on what to get you from their pharmacy or supply you with a load of it. Also, take home the sitz bath toilet tub they give you, it will sure come in handy and ease you once you're home. If you don't want to bring up these topics to a nurse or in front of all those visiting relatives that just won't leave you to sleep, then check out natural remedies on the web. One I found that I'm giving every expecting Mama I know with these bugging suckers is Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Balm. This soothing,cooling balm made using an organic olive oil base infused with healing organic herbs is made too help shrink and ease discomfort. They have great products! Organic-that's a plus! You can find them at www.earthmamaangelbaby.com
Episiotomy care Now, my first baby gave me the experience of my oh so nice episiotomy. Little did I know back then how I was supposed to feel. Every time I walked, bent over, reached down,oh and when I laughed or coughed, etc... I felt tugging and pulling on the stitches. Ladies, I'm talking weeks of this! I tried to take it easy but it hurt and bled for days, which lead to weeks, that even lasted me years. Yes, I said years! I had my next child 4 years later and they told me then that my last stitch job was sloppy and bad. How was I supposed to know this? They fixed it forever though. After that episiotomy stitching I healed so fast and never bled again. So now you know that you're not supposed to bleed in the parineum area for years :)! Another great solution to discomfort in the perineum location is your peri bottle from the hospital filled with warm water and your sitz bath. Use this with more products from Earth Mama Angel Baby and you're sure to feel better knowing that you're taking care of your healing body. While on this subject, don't forget those kegels. They bug you a lot on this...or maybe I had a huge kegel remider on my chart because every hospital staffer told me this pointer! So do them. This will help with leakage. Every woman out there that laughs and leaks or goes to step, jumps, etc and leaks knows what I mean! Do Them!
We've all had many years of experience on this subject but not on 6 weeks of it. For me it was very heavy for about 2 weeks and then lightened up around week 3-6. I loved the heavy, extra long cotton pads that they gave me in the hospital. Ask for these, they are wonderful and so absorbing. If you like cotton pads check out any Kotex brand pads, they're wonderful. I switched to these once I had my first baby.
Sore Nipples I had this with every three of my children. I really thought that my tender nipples would turn into rough, elephant skinned nothings and would never feel again..Well I was very wrong. Each breastfeeding experience came with the same sore package. I used nipple covers like Lily Padz from my hospital with baby #3 and WOW was I impressed. My healing time was cut in half with these miracle workers. If you experience scabbing, tenderness, peeling of your skin, then I recommend these types of breast covers. You can check them out and purchase them on Supermomz.com under breastfeeding. Another great thing to have is a Nursing Tank. No Wires!!! (Remember, try to avoid bras with wires due to possible mastitis infections) There are a couple out there that you can get. One that is really popular is Glamour Mom from Supermomz.com or glamourmom.com. They carry a variety of colors and patterns, they even have tank dresses. Too cool. If you're on a budget though, then I recommend In Due Time at Target in the maternity department. These nursing tanks are the greatest thing ever. They're really similar and both cover up your postpartum transitioning stomach and sides (plus they cover up stretch marks). In fact, I really loved the security and added reminder to suck in my gut! Nothing like a physical reminder to suck it in, way better than my mom. I can't leave without mentioning to take your Nursing Curtain with you to the hospital as well! (www.mommyslittlemonkey.com) Remember all of those relatives that will visit and never get the clue to leave, you still have to nurse while they're there and believe me they will be starring while you do your duty.
Well, that's enough on Postpartum Recovery 101. Until next time.
Happy Nursing and especially Happy Transitioning to your New Life,
Monday, August 07, 2006

The Shape of a Mommy: Physically and Mentally
If you haven't seen the new and wonderful site-The Shape of a Woman yet then I ask you to do so. It will really move you, bring you to tears, and possibly motivate you to contribute. This new blog has really motivated me to write about my shape. I don't think I'm ready to post my physical shape yet but maybe soon I will be able to. I am, however, ready to talk about something that has been on my mind for years and that is my mental shape.
We as mommies are all shaped physically different. Of course, before we received our "Mommy shape" we had our "Foxy Lady" shape, you know the cute, tight bottom that caught your partners eyes or your sweet, firm bosom that hypnotized him. With pregnancy, age(slow metabolism) and being the tired mommy that we often are, we gain the extra pound here and there and really have a challenging time getting it off.
What about the mental shape we had prior to mommyhood and what happens to it after we have babies? I personally know that my mental shape was "okay". I really never thought about my mental health (Not to say I'm a wreck or anything...Maybe just need some therapy, but don't we all?).
To make a very long story short, I was molested as a child (ouch!), I started to emotionally eat causing me to be overweight (double Ouch) and I had Alopecia Areata (a highly unpredictable, autoimmune skin disease resulting in the loss of hair on the scalp and elsewhere on the body). So, okay you can imagine my mental shape. Although I state some events That effected me in my childhood in this post it still hurts a little but I consider this a bit of therapy, so it's a good thing.
My hair grew in by my 6th or 7th birthday but you can imagine the comments by friends, relatives and especially school kids (oh, school kids can be so honest and mean :-( ). I often pushed away thoughts and feelings of my insecurities. This really affected me though and little did I know how it would come back to me as a new Mother.
Don't get me wrong, I'm okay. I gained a better self esteem later especially in High School after I lost a lot of weight. I still have my little breakdowns though when I think too much. Maybe some of you may be able to relate. I have issues with men, weight, self esteem, respect, and I could go on and on. Maybe it's due to events in my life. Of course it is. We all have these issues.
So this brings to me my point on mental shapes. I believe we are all shaped differently from the events in our lives. The way we dress, live, eat, give birth, parent our children, breastfeed or not breastfeed, the way we handle situations this is all from the way we've been shaped.
So recently my friend Bonnie at the newly famous "The Shape of a Mother" posted my business website on her blog. A couple of women made comments about covering up while nursing and how it defeats her motivating blog that encourages mothers to accept their beautiful bodies. I agree that we should accept our beautiful bodies but it's not always easy to do this. I do not hold any bad feelings towards these women but only want to address the issue.
Many women do have issues showing their bodies, postpartum areas (lower back, belly, sides and also to mention the big great boobies that nourish our babies) and choose to cover up while breastfeeding. Why should this be viewed as a negative thing? Shouldn't we all be trying to unite, motivate and encourage women to do the one thing that has created a movement? BREASTFEEDING. This is what we need to focus on. Gently support those mommies who will breastfeed in public no matter what way they may do so. If they feel the need to cover with any product, blanket or shawl then they should as long as they feel comfortable doing it. I personally look at women who do not have to cover up with respect and also as liberating. I appreciate these women, for without them much change would not have occurred for all women.
I have to stand strong and represent the many women who can not go out in public and breastfeed for their own personal struggles with their mental issues though.
For the mommy I saw at the mall, when I saw you, you were nursing your newborn baby at a bench and you looked very insecure. I smiled at you with what I hoped would be strengthening and you glanced away. I approached you to tell you how great you were for breastfeeding in public and you then told me all of your feelings towards public breastfeeding. You were embarrassed and could not believe that you were doing what you were doing, that your friend accompanying you was embarrassed that you were nursing in public and she had a baby the same exact age as your baby but she ONLY nursed at home and thought that you should too. You were a bit nervous and closed your eyes for a second as if you wished your feelings could go away or maybe you were wishing away the people you thought were starring at you....For you I write this. I wonder what shaped you to feel this way and I only know that you are not alone.
For all women who need strength to do what is so natural and beneficial I write this. All women need to support one another in this breastfeeding movement in any way she feels comfortable. The important emphasis should be only BREASTFEEDING.
With so much peace and respect.
Happy Nursing and Happy Transitioning to your New Life,
Evie Ballesteros
I absolutely love, love, love this topic. It is so close to my heart and is the reason I went into business. Many see the romantic version of breastfeeding on TV or in the movies. Mommies, is there anything physically romantic or painless the first couple of weeks in breastfeeding?
I understand that most books and specialists believe that breastfeeding is not supposed to be challenging or a problem BUT for me, and I have had 3 children so far, I have found it to be challenging each and every time. No time too different than the other, well other than the changing sizes of my children's mouths, but each time similar transitioning, similar scabbing and bleeding (not too much of this), similar engorgement, similar curling of my toes at each latching of my babies mouth, similar feeling of wanting to quit and similar count down each and every day telling myself I can do it and that one more day has passed.
Now, I do not want to discourage expectant mommies from breastfeeding, it's the best thing for you and especially for your baby. I want to reach out to expecting mommies and inform them of what may come ahead and also to inform them of what they can do to succeed. I want to address challenges and some pointers on overcoming them so that women that are expecting or breastfeeding mommies that seek support through reading this blog may gain this support and strength. I encourage women who want to help and share to please send in your comments and I will post them so that other mommies may gain this support and read your tips.
First, read, read, read! Yes, I know breastfeeding is so natural. We are designed to breastfeed. Many think that just being natural and just doing it is what you should just do, but there are women who need to read and want direction and to understand every step of the way.
Remember to ask your lactation consultant questions in the hospital! I delivered at two different hospitals and each one had lactation consultants available to answer my questions and to teach me proper latch on techniques. The hospital also gave me a hand held breast pump. Make sure to utilize this service.
Get support! A breastfeeding class or support group like La Leche League (you can find their info. at my links) is very important as well. When you are going through something that you have not read about, a leader may be able to help you and lead you in the right direction.
Invest in a lactation consultation. If you are very determined to breastfeed and find it challenging in the beginning then investing in a lactation consultation can be very satisfying. A certified lactation consultant will give you her undivided attention and answer all of your questions.
Always remember that your situation is very unique. What works for other women may not work for you. Do not panic and relax. Read and write down any questions and when your baby gets here write down any new questions you may have. Utilize your hospital lactation consultations. Always have the La Leche League leaders, women relatives or friends who have or are breastfeeding phone numbers ready, you may need help while transitioning at home.
I will continue on this special topic.
Happy Nursing your little monkey and Happy transitioning to your new life,
Evie Ballesteros
I absolutely love, love, love this topic. It is so close to my heart and is the reason I went into business. Many see the romantic version of breastfeeding on TV or in the movies. Mommies, is there anything physically romantic or painless the first couple of weeks in breastfeeding?
I understand that most books and specialists believe that breastfeeding is not supposed to be challenging or a problem BUT for me, and I have had 3 children so far, I have found it to be challenging each and every time. No time too different than the other, well other than the changing sizes of my children's mouths, but each time similar transitioning, similar scabbing and bleeding (not too much of this), similar engorgement, similar curling of my toes at each latching of my babies mouth, similar feeling of wanting to quit and similar count down each and every day telling myself I can do it and that one more day has passed.
Now, I do not want to discourage expectant mommies from breastfeeding, it's the best thing for you and especially for your baby. I want to reach out to expecting mommies and inform them of what may come ahead and also to inform them of what they can do to succeed. I want to address challenges and some pointers on overcoming them so that women that are expecting or breastfeeding mommies that seek support through reading this blog may gain this support and strength. I encourage women who want to help and share to please send in your comments and I will post them so that other mommies may gain this support and read your tips.
First, read, read, read! Yes, I know breastfeeding is so natural. We are designed to breastfeed. Many think that just being natural and just doing it is what you should just do, but there are women who need to read and want direction and to understand every step of the way.
Remember to ask your lactation consultant questions in the hospital! I delivered at two different hospitals and each one had lactation consultants available to answer my questions and to teach me proper latch on techniques. The hospital also gave me a hand held breast pump. Make sure to utilize this service.
Get support! A breastfeeding class or support group like La Leche League (you can find their info. at my links) is very important as well. When you are going through something that you have not read about, a leader may be able to help you and lead you in the right direction.
Invest in a lactation consultation. If you are very determined to breastfeed and find it challenging in the beginning then investing in a lactation consultation can be very satisfying. A certified lactation consultant will give you her undivided attention and answer all of your questions.
Always remember that your situation is very unique. What works for other women may not work for you. Do not panic and relax. Read and write down any questions and when your baby gets here write down any new questions you may have. Utilize your hospital lactation consultations. Always have the La Leche League leaders, women relatives or friends who have or are breastfeeding phone numbers ready, you may need help while transitioning at home.
I will continue on this special topic.
Happy Nursing your little monkey and Happy transitioning to your new life,
Evie Ballesteros
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Our First Breastfeeding Story!
I grew up in a non-breastfeeding family. My mom did not bf us nor did her mother bf her. When I became pregnant for the first time I decided I was going to give it a shot. I had no expectations of it but I did try to learn as much as I could about it before my daughter was born. I took classes at the hospital and stocked up on all the bf'ing essentials. I even got one of the very first "nursing curtains" ever made from my friend, Evie, as a gift. When Elena was born she latched on and nursed like a champ for 9 months. When I went back to work (when she was 6 mos.) I pumped for 3 months. Then my body stopped making enough milk to sustain our nursing relationship (such is life). I was so lucky to have a baby that nursed well from the time she was just a few minutes old. Even the nurses commented on how well she did. My son had a little more difficulty but once he got the hang of it, he did awesome. Our nursing relationship lasted a little less time than it did with my daughter because I went back to work earlier (when he was just 6wks). I guess my body just doesn't like it when I go back to work and depend on pumping for too long. Oh well. I'm lucky to have so many friends that nursed aound the same time I was nursing my babies. It's good to have that feeling of support. I'm the proud owner of 3 nursing curtains and to be quite honest, I don't know what I would've done without them. As I've told many other moms before, I can honestly say I don't care what others think about my nursing (public or private). I don't wear the nursing curtain because I'm affraid of what others will say, I wear it because I am really modest about showing my skin to anyone. Especially when I was a new mom, getting used to the post partum body and the "jelly belly" as I like to say and the strech marks are really visible. I didn't like showing my body off before I had kids, and I really wasn't interested in showing it off afterward either. The nursing curtain gave me confidence to nurse any and everywhere I needed to. The curtain also came in handy while pumping at work. While I'm lucky enough to have a private office with a door, the door doesn't have a lock. I'd shut my door to pump but always with the nursing curtain over my front. That way, if someone didn't get the "hint" by seeing my closed door and happened to walk in, they didn't get a free show (so to speak). haha.
A funny nursing story that involves my nursing curtain; when my son was a newborn (mabye about a month old) my daughter took a huge interest in nursing. She asked all kinds of questions and wanted to be near me when Andres was eating. One morning I went into the family room and saw one of the cutest things I've ever seen in my life, Elena was sitting in the rocker, nursing curtain around her neck, with her baby dolls feet haning out the side. She was "nursing" her doll. My heart swelled with pride. I knew that I had started a generation of nursing mothers. Even though I don't come from a family of breastfeeders, I feel confident that my daughter will follow in my footsteps, nursing her own children. I don't have a picture of me nursing but I do have a nice picture of me with my babies.
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