Friday, July 14, 2006

Post Partum Transitioning

So the built up excitement and curiosity of what will come has passed...You've delivered your baby. You have experienced physical discomfort, pain and the great feeling of pushing out this little watermelon, and the best of it all meeting and holding your little monkey. You've looked over your little one and have studied his/her face, hands, fingers and toes. What a wonderful experience! Just the start of mommyhood.
All was probably to be expected. Your changing body and emotions but no one really got you ready for the actual physical and emotional changes after the birth of your baby.
Do they have a class on all the tiny details of what will happen? I never received that information...Maybe I didn't take that class. I know I was a little angry though. I felt it was just something someone should have talked to me about! The burning episiotomy stitches that killed me when I bent over to pick up my brand new baby. The engorged, burning breasts that felt like they were ready to explode. The sore nipples that I was warned about the possibility of occurring by the lactation consultant but by the time I got home I had no idea I was breastfeeding incorrectly. And the gross feeling of lochia -discharge-that was never ending and made me feel so icky. Call it immaturity, call it ignorance or my fault for not asking many questions BUT how was I supposed to know what to ask? I was angry with my surrounding team of women in my life. I was really angry with my mom but I kept it inside. I was upset they did not tell me of all the physical changes involved with child birth and postpartum transitioning. Come on! We're supposed to stick together and inform eachother of all of the possibilities so that I'm not stuck at home afterwards with a brand new baby having to hit Wal-mart for super powerful numbing hemorrhoid spray! I guess this is why they call it a learning experience.
This is where a little bit of the baby blues hit me. I was very happy to have my baby but I was uncertain, I was in a bit of discomfort and I had a brand new baby to depend on me while all of this physical transtioning was going on. My hormones we very imbalanced and now as a new Mommy I felt expected to know what I had to do and feel. Not the case! So what was the lesson learned? To ask many questions!
Keep checking in with me and I'll do my best to touch those subjects you may want answered that Mom won't cover unless you ask. Sometimes even if you ask they don't want to talk OR they may remember a little differently than occured...."I remeber when I was in labor and I walked to the hospital in a snow storm, I never received an drop of pain medicine....the baby took to my breast and I never had a single problem....I was up making dinner and back to normal the next babies never cried" Yeah whatever!

Come back for great topics I'll be covering: Breastfeeding-physical changes and the ups and downs, Your body afterwards: it's beautiful no matter what you think!, small steps to feeling confident about new mommyhood-don't worry you will get there, baby blues and postpartum depression
See you Soon!!!!!!

Happy Transitioning
Mommy of 3 Little Monkeys

1 comment:

  1. You know what really needs to be talked about more? Pooping during labor!!! Imagine my surprise when I first heard vague references to it when I was 20 weeks pg or so. Maybe that should be my next website. ;)
