Baby On Board
When I was a little girl I didn't really have a dream to become a mother someday. I can't say that I was one of those girls that always dreamt of having a husband and large family. If I ever played house with my sisters and brother, I was always the sister or daughter role but never was I the mother. Then again I was the third child so maybe my overpowering older sisters took that role permanantly away from me.
My choice of make believe time was believing I was a baker with my own business. My display of breads and rolls was a very detailed process. Buckets of pool water on the side of the house was crucial along with digging in the dry dirt and adding the pool water slowly. My hands slowly folded the dirt and water into a nice and thick mixture. My brother usually accompanied me during this make believe time and was what we loved to do. We would then take precise fistful amounts of mud, mold them and then place them on the fence to dry. Once they were all sun baked we would display our goods on our bakery floor, right next to the empty bucket that held our pool water and would pretend to enjoy each delicate pastry . Later, make believe became office boss or secretary with my cousin and office supplies were a must. I remember I was obsessed with pens, stationary and of course colorful stickers there for a while. I mean you can't run a office with out beautiful stickers. To dramatize the clicking of our calculators my cousin and I made Lee Press on Nails a must before starting "office time". Oh, the good ole days.
So as I get myself prepared for the arrival of my forth child I wonder how this all happened? I was the High School student who could only imagine going to college and becoming successful. I had no plans for children or at least it wasn't high on my goal list. I mean, I know cupid got me good. Did he ever attack me with his bow and arrows. The next thing I know I'm married with children and maintaining a home, family, baby on the way and a little business.
Our new baby girl will arrive sometime in early April. So as you may ask yourself, "how will she/can she do it with 4 children?" I want you to know I have asked myself the same question. How will I run a business, manage a family, my home, everything I have on my plate on a daily basis? In fact I've asked myself those questions more than a couple of times and as her arrival date draws closer. I have found myself wondering about how my life will change so much very soon. I guess my remedy of not wanting to freak myself out too much is to just try not to think about it and then calm my dramatic self down. Realistically I just tell myself to take one day at a time and to remember I've done this before and doing it again will be fine. I know once I meet her tiny little face and get to know her personality I will wonder how life could ever be without her.
As for how my three little monkeys are taking it, well let's just say I'm amazed at how naturally excited children can be when they know a little brother or sister is on their way. I have had such a great time experiencing this pregnancy with them. I love seeing their amazed faces when she kicks and wiggles around and I especially love to hear them sing and talk to her through my gigantic belly. I know she's going to be a sweet addition to our family and that all will be fine.
As for what lies ahead and what I have planned, I guess I've realized it's not always about what I have planned but that sometimes I need to surrender for what "he" has planned for me. I'm sticking to my rule of taking it one day at a time and embracing what is happening to my family and myself. I guess the first thing I'll do is get something I've long deserved. I've never had one of those signs that reads "Baby on Board" for my car before. Maybe now would be a good time to get one.
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