Thursday, September 27, 2007

When I first started this business everyone had advise, they still do, and I appreciate it very much. One bit of advice I thought I'd stay clear of was ebay. I was told to try and sell on ebay and I was hesitant. Well, I tried it. I do have to say that I liked it. I sold two Simple & Sweet Nursing Curtains and am happy to say one went to Australia.
Pretty cool.
Don't ask me how much.
At least I'm spreading the word on my products :-)
No, not the bad bad detox, the okay detox. I decided to detox my system of caffeine. I really don't consume too much of this very addictive drug. I usually just have it in my morning cup of coffee which hardly gets consumed because I have three kids that are either fighting, almost late to get to school or have hair to be brushed.
Now, there have been many times I've painfully put my cup of coffee down. I mean, I have to make a decision often do I make the kids their lunches for school or drink my coffee in peace, do I brush my child's hair or drink my cup of coffee and then there have been time that I've tried to do both and the end result is coffee everywhere including hair and none in my system. So I came to the conclusion I really don't need it and I'm going to try to go through the rough days of detox!
First day, forget it. Besides the fact that I stayed up until 1 am working on my business and started the detox program UI was a mess and mean. I was so confused all day long. I was a mad mess. Did I mention that I was a mess? It was good my family stayed away from me. I had to take a nap...if you know me I don't do naps. I even went to sleep that night at 8:30pm. I mean if I was going to have a headache, which I took 4 tylenol for all day long, I may as well have slept it off. The second day just a little cloudy. Today, the third day, I'm actually very clear headed and feel great. The only thing though, along with detoxing my body of caffeine I sware I'm detoxing it of food too! This program I'm on just makes me hungry!
Yes a program, it's the Jay Robb Fruit flush and detox program. I read the book and it was pretty healthy so I'm on it. Flushing my body. So far so good, just HUNGRY!
I don't know what's worse, me grumpy because I'm detoxing the caffeine out of my body or me grumpy because I'm hungry. My poor husband can probably answer that one. I
I'll keep you posted on how it works. I can say besides the detoxing I've lost 2 lbs. but come on when you're hardly eating that's sure to happen, right?
UPDATE: Well I did last the 3 days on this little detox and I did feel mentally and physically better by the 3rd day. I also lost 8 pounds and got into my one size smaller clothes by the end of the program. I don't think I would recommend it for weight loss but I would for a caffein cleanse/body cleanse. It really helped me focus on eating better and focusing on my health.
My Space
I'm on myspace now! Click on the link to the side to check us out and add us as a friend!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Water Babies

This summer was filled with tons of fun in the sun. Swimming anywhere we could was the goal. There was a nice hot day that we we able to gather with friends at a community pool and my sister invited her friend and her little show off nephew :-)
Let me tell you a little about this boy. He's only 3 and swims like a fish. He could out swim any adult and pretty much made my three year old feel pretty competitive. Yes, there was a moment monkey boy took off his life vest and actually jumped into the pool. He was feeling pretty brave and had to show everyone he could swim too. Well, he sank. I made sure to be very close by and had his older cousin and Princess Monkey sister right there next to him to save him if he went under water for too long. I mean he had to find out that he was not a master at this skill yet.
After swallowing a small amount of water he realized he could not swim and did not fight with me further. Back in the life vest and into the water monkey man went. He was fine but now I'm a bit determined to have him ready for the next swimming season.
Come to find out this young swimming master (let's call him "show Off") started swimming classes at the very young age of 5 months. Now, that's pretty cool. Can't wait to get my little monkey man started so we can have a swim off :-)

Here's a link to such a great swimming technique for all babies and toddlers. I was sent it today and had to share.

Go To BED!!!!

Getting back into the school routine has been a challenge. I swore that I was going to get my monkeys practicing their normal 8PM bedtime a week before school started so that they would get used to it BUT that didn't happen. We pretty much waited until the night before school started to enforce bedtime at 8pm.

Three weeks into school and we're still fighting at night with all three of them. I found this really cute piece on you tube. Have fun watching, just don't watch while you're angry at them or waiting for them to fall asleep at night :-)

Friday, September 14, 2007

Public Breastfeeding
Okay, so I'm a bit late to discuss this issue but I really wanted to post and link you to it. A woman in a Applebee's restaurant was recently out to lunch with her children celebrating an anniversary and was approached by her waitress and asked to cover up while nursing if she wanted to remain in the restaurant. The woman did not have a blanket with her but the waitress repeated herself and then the woman had to go to her car to nurse her infant!!!!! I guess some people in this country have not been on top of what is happening when they mess with hungry nursing babies and their mama's. I hope this woman (Brooke Ryan) does some great legal stuff for at least her city and place Applebee's and other companies in their place!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Because I Said So!
This is something I do say very often to my children. I mean, if you're a mother, how could you not say it? With so many questions and little people around complaining, whining or hesitating to do as you ask, it's something you find yourself finally using after too much explanation.
Today I came across a very great blog I wanted to share with you, Because I said So. This very well written blogger, Dawn, mommy to six children all aging from 12 to 1 years, is hilarious. Dawn writes of everyday life with little ones and the funny, frustrating and just everyday battles a mommy to six goes through. Dawn is my newest hero.
Summer Vacation
Yes, I've been missing for the whole summer! My kids were around and drained every last drip of energy I had. I decided I would just take a little break and get into it once school started.
Well, it just started so I'm back. You were on my mind though, and I did miss you.
Good to be back and talk to you again.