If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say it at all!
I had an order last week from a Marylander (I guess that's what a person from Maryland would be called) and she was a great customer. I contacted her to let her know that her product was on its way and then she replied today letting me know she loved it. This woman was so nice and was even nicer to blog about it on her blog space Click here! This made my day a really good one considering yesterday was dampered by a not so nice email from a stranger.
Check it out:
I saw your site advertised on my g-mail page. I clicked on it. As a nursing mother who is 100% pro breastfeeding, I am extremely offended by your product.
It's difficult enough for nursing women to do what they need to do in the US, where public breastfeeding is generally considered taboo (over half of the population doesn't think a woman should breastfeed in public), and a product like this only FEEDS the attitude women should cover up and be ashamed of breastfeeding and/or of their bodies. Yes, even the postpartum body. Give me a break.
This is NOT a question of modesty, but a way for YOU to make money off the ridiculous squeamishness of the public and the lack of confidence new moms often have and you will make those mothers who were hesitant to feed in public feel even more like this is something they should be discreet about.
What's worse is that you advocate yourself as supportive of breastfeeding. NO, you're not. If you truly were, you'd empower women to not be ashamed of this completely natural and absolutely vital activity, and you wouldn't sell them a 'shame tent'. Shame on YOU.
Unfortunately, the US is probably the only country where you'd be able to make any substantial profit off this pathetic product, and I'm sure you know that. I hope you're proud about putting up yet another obstacle for new mothers and their babies.
What breastfeeding organizations have shown you support?
One more thing - it's not only conceptually hideous, it's also aesthetically hideous.
Breastfeeding in public without 'covering up'
so I replied to her with :
Dear Cristina,
I received your letter today and I understand your viewpoint on my product. You are not the first person to have this view and you will not be the last. Believe me I am 100% pro breastfeeding as well. I do not mean to offend you at all or anyone else who may have your similar views. I will continue to do what I do to help those mothers who feel very uncomfortable while nursing in public. I have been approached by mothers who have told me that they wished that they had something like my product when nursing in public and I also have been recently approached by mothers that shared they do not and will not breastfeed in public due to wanting to maintain their modesty and are so happy to have my product to help them. I believe that I am not hurting anyone nor the breastfeeding movement, and that I am helping women who need and want to modestly breastfeed in public. I also have to say that I do feel that I am empowering women (who feel so uncomfortable to nurse in public using formula instead of breastfeeding) to go out in public and also to help in prolonging their nursing relationships.
I did not invent this product to go into business but it was simply created to help my sisters and myself (a victim of sexual abuse) go out into public and maintain our breastfeeding relationship with our babies comfortably. The demand of my product came to me and I am very proud to help women who need this product.
I respect your view, I respect women who can breastfeed openly in public but we were not all made the same with the same views. We are all mentally shaped differently. I am proud to provide a solution to those women who would stop breastfeeding due to their modesty concerns. Thank you for sharing your view with me.
Evie Ballesteros
Mommy's Little Monkey
She replied one more time today with :
Thanks for your well thought out reply. Though I still disagree that this isn't helping the movement, I'm pleasantly surprised that someone (let alone you, the owner) addressed and validated my complaint. That's pretty rare. I still wish a product like this wasn't needed and/or available, but at least it seems that your concern for capturing the group that would otherwise turn to formula is sincere, and in that instance, I hope that it helps.
PS - one thing is for sure...those kids will end up loving to read under the covers
So I feel that I really answered this letter the best way I know how. Her view point and feelings toward my product is not the first and it will not be the last. All I have to say is open your mind to all different views in life. Also remember what mama taught you (or what someone was supposed to teach you) If you don't have anything nice to say than don't say it at all!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Today I received my first shipment of fabulous onsies!!!!! I had to sweep up my toddler and jet over to my parents house because my stupid camera broke. My Dad has a way nicer camera that takes fantastic photos. I put a tank top on my little monkey and he hesitantly modeled for me. I had to bribe him with junk just to get him to do what I wanted. The best thing though is that he discovered hummingbirds. I know that he's seen them before but today my parents backyard was swarming with them. It was like STARWARS when the space jets are everywhere and fighting one another, barely missing each other. My head was barely missed as well. He loved them though and also was amazed at their wings. He stopped and told me that they were not birds...Maybe he thought they were bugs of some sort. You have to check out the website to see how they came out and to see my model captured in the discovery of Hummingbirds.
cheers to onsies and hummingbirds!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Back to School!
So the kids started school last week. My oldest started 3rd grade and NM started pre-school! OMG My babies are really growing up so fast. My youngest is still home with me and was sad that he didn't get to start school with his sisters. NM keeps telling him that he can start school when he goes poop and pee in the potty.....I gues NM just gave me a new job...Potty training!!!
That's a whole other post.
So the kids started school last week. My oldest started 3rd grade and NM started pre-school! OMG My babies are really growing up so fast. My youngest is still home with me and was sad that he didn't get to start school with his sisters. NM keeps telling him that he can start school when he goes poop and pee in the potty.....I gues NM just gave me a new job...Potty training!!!
That's a whole other post.
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