March Update
Let me catch you up on what I've been doing the last month and a half. Let's start on my personal side first. Well, I've had a little monkey man accident about every two weeks. 1 Broken shower faucet, 1 clogged toilet which he chose to clog with a plastic bottle cap, a clogged sink which he chose to play with the faucet water stopper (whatever they're called) a couple of times too many and then it broke off so off to the hardware store we went to buy a drain stopper and then he took that off and stuck one of his sisters barrettes down the drain. Up until today nothing had really be destroyed by monkey man for about a week but then he came into the house with a broken light bulb that he mentioned he just so happened to be trying to help me screw it on tighter but he actually unscrewed it causing it to fall off my sewing machine and break. Ugh! The RULES lecture has come up a million times in that last month in my house.
Spring break has passed and it was relaxing and nice to spend time with my little monkeys. Monkey man is on a three week break from preschool (looking forward to that starting back up) and of course Easter came and I was able to spend a very nice time with our family.
On the business side of things I landed an account with a W.I.C. office here in town! That's a great and wonderful step for my business. I've been working hard planning, organizing and getting ready to update my website and change out my nursing cover fabric and need to add baby tees plus I'm getting myself mentally prepared to get out into more stores. Which brings me to a little vulnerable subject to share with you......I am terrified of approaching stores! Why you ask? Well, I don't know why exactly but after reflecting on this subject I'm assuming is that big ole rejection factor I personally hate and am fearful of. So, knowing I need to do it no matter what and trying to gain knowledge on the whole subject I went to my good and knowledgeable friend, Google, and he led me to so much information on cold calling and business approaching. I found a wonderful and to my surprise a local business that blogs about her business experience and after reading it for a while I was in tears! Yeah, I'm an emotional wreck at times but Amber of Baby Fabulous hit all of my fears, excitement and struggles of creating a business from scratch and bringing it to fruition on the nail. I can create, I can organize, package, and have details in order but sales.....let's just say I'm terrified of it. I love her blog and she is such an inspiration and has honestly motivated me. I wrote to Amber hoping to meet her someday. My goal for April, which I will blog to you about and work on, is to make it into 1-2 new boutiques. Cross your fingers, your toes and say a little prayer for me while I do this and I'll keep you posted.
Talk to you soon,