Wearing my Monkeys
When I started this business I really did not know how many groups or parenting styles women/parents place themselves in. I know, I know I talk about this a lot but just keep reading, I'm getting to my little intro..
I mean I labored naturally with all 3 children (with the exception of my first 24 hour labor- I had 2 shots of Demerol) but I never placed myself in a "natural birthing" mom club. Did I feel proud? Of course I did but it wasn't a lifestyle that I revolved around. I co-slept and still do from time to time but did I consider myself an attached parent? No, not until I learned what an attached parent was, I just did what my parents allowed me to do as a child. I wore my babies in carriers or Baby Bjorn's but I did not consider myself a baby wearer? No, really all that I was doing was taking very little steps at making motherhood as easy as I possibly could. With 3 children, sleep deprivation and a things to do list the length of Santa's list I just wanted rest so I slept with my kids and just wanted peace so I wore my kids so I didn't hear them crying. Plus it killed me to see them so uncomfortable so if I could help out in this very temporary stage of life by wearing them then I would and I did.
So do you know all of the different styles out there to wear your baby? There's the sling, and the pouch and the carrier and the back pack and I'm sure more than that but that's all I know at this moment. I personally wore a carrier BUT if there happened to be a next time I will try them all. A new company out there (which I consider a sister or cousin company since the designer of our sites is the same company) is
I'm very excited to meet the owner, Catherine, very soon at an event we'll both be attending. If you happen to be in San Diego come and check us out at the Mommy Soiree on December 9Th from 3-6pm in Old Town at the Ducks n Daisies boutique courtyard. A evening of shopping, prizes, food and beverages is what to be expected. Check out the advertisement on Page 50 of Family Magazine for December to find out more.